.~> With electron bunching or velocity variation means {3}
Classification: 331/79
(under the class definition) Subject matter wherein (1) the
active element of the oscillator comprises a space discharge device consisting of a source of charged particles, means for concentrating the particles into a directed beam, means for exerting a control on the beam (e.g., beam accelerating electrode, control grid, deflecting means, slow wave structure, buncher type resonator, reflector electrode, etc.) and means for deriving output oscillatory energy from the controlled beam.
(1) Note. The active elements in this and indented subclasses are of the transit time or velocity variation or velocity modulation type, and while space charge effects influence the beam somewhat they are secondary, the primary effect of control of the beam being that of velocity variation. This action is to be contrasted with that of the space-charge control tubes (e.g., conventional triode) wherein the electron density is varied and the slight change in electron velocity during such variation is secondary.
6+, for klystron oscillators provided with automatic frequency stabilization.
86+, for magnetically controlled space discharge device type oscillators (e.g., magnetron) wherein the space discharge device is not of the beam type, but which device may utilize transit time effects to produce oscillations.
92+, for retarding field tube type oscillators wherein the tube is not of the beam type. 104+, for transit time oscillators in general and wherein the active element is not of the beam type.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,
364+, for cathode-ray tube structure and subclass 299 for beam tube structure.
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
1+, for cathode-ray tube systems in general, especially subclasses 3+ for systems utilizing cathode-ray tubes combined with circuit element structure.
330, Amplifiers,
43, and 44+ for linear amplifiers which include an active element of the electron beam type.
332, Modulators, appropriate subclasses for modulators utilizing electron beam discharge devices.