(under subclass 157) Subject matter wherein the series coupling from the output electrode of the preceding amplifier device to the input electrode of the following amplifier device of the two cascaded stages has a D.C.. conductive path.
9, for periodic switching for input-output comparison including drift corrected D.C.. amplifiers.
10, for modulator-demodulator amplifiers for amplifying D.C.. signals.
53+, for amplifiers having distributed parameter coupling which may include D.C.. interstage coupling.
70+, for series energized amplifiers.
121, for push-pull amplifiers having D.C.. interstage coupling.
125, for plural amplifier channels involving a D.C.. and an A.C. channel.
159, for interstage D.C.. coupling to the cathode.
161, for D.C.. interstage coupling to the screen grid or electrode other than control grid or cathode.
163, for D.C.. interstage output coupling from a grid or between a grid and the anode.
173, for D.C.. interstage coupling from the cathode.
187, for input D.C.. coupling to the cathode.
191, for D.C.. input coupling, generally.
194, for D.C.. output coupling from the cathode.
198, for D.C.. output coupling, generally.
289, for D.C.. conductively coupled cascaded semiconductor amplifiers.
293, and 296, for series energized cascaded semiconductor amplifiers. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
24+, for wave transmission coupling, generally. See, also, search notes under subclass 24.