(under the class definition) Subject matter wherein the four arms of a Wheatstone bridge comprise four impedances of the amplifier circuit in such manner that at least one of the four impedances of the bridge is the discharge path of the amplifying device.
72, for series energized vacuum tube amplifying devices with at least two of the devices arranged in the arms of a bridge.
76+, for amplifiers for compensating for interelectrode impedance (neutralization) by feedback where the input-output interelectrode impedance coupling and compensating circuits may be arranged in a balanced bridge.
81, for push-pull feedback amplifiers including plural stages which may have a bridge-like arrangement.
118, for push-pull vacuum tube amplifiers including those having plural stages with a bridge-like arrangement. 175, for interstage coupling circuits including bridge networks.
273+, for push-pull semiconductor amplifiers including those with plural stages presenting a structure similar to a bridge.
293, and 296, for plural stage semiconductor amplifiers series energized which may include bridge arrangements.
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
252, 333, and 365 for various impedance bridge arrangements, for voltage magnitude or phase control; see also the search notes under the above subclasses.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
169, for wave filters having a Wheatstone bridge arrangement. See also the search notes thereunder.