This is the Generic Class for: Single electric energy generators for supplying single load circuits, there being means to regulate or control the generator output, which means may be electrical or nonelectrical and may act in the prime mover for the generator, the power transmission means between the generator prime mover and the generator, the generator, or the armature (output) circuit of the generator, or any combination thereof.
Systems as defined in Class Definition, above are included in this class even though the generator is recited by name only if the system includes means for the regulation or control of the generator output. Systems which include a generator recited by name only, no significant characteristics of the generator or its control being claimed, are classified with the system, even though the type of current and/or voltage produced by the generator is recited (i.e., as a 60 cycle generator), the generator being considered only a source of energy for the system. For such excluded systems, see the classes referred to under "Search Class" below.
1. Class 322 provides for single generator supplied single load systems as defined in the Class Definition above not otherwise classified even though the electric load in the output circuit is recited by name only or by its electrical characteristics, the system defined otherwise being drawn to the control of the generator.
2. Systems having significant characteristics of the circuit elements in the load circuit other than or in addition to those for the control or regulation of the generator are classified according to the type of load circuit or load device claimed even though significant generator structure or control is also claimed.
3. The following indicates in more detail the classification lines followed in applying paragraphs 1 and 2 where significant generator regulation or control is claimed in
combination with electric load or load circuit features. a. Generator with Transformer or Inductance only in the Load Circuit:
Where the transformer or inductance is recited by name only, the system is in Class 322. Where significant characteristics of the transformer or transformer circuit are claimed, the system is classified as a transformer system. Merely reciting that the transformer has primary and secondary windings or that the transformer is an auto transformer is not a recitation of significant transformer structure or circuit. A recitation that the transformer is a variable ratio transformer is a recitation of significant transformer structure. Likewise systems having a significant structure of an inductance or inductance circuit are classified according to the type of system formed by the inductance. A recitation that the inductance is variable is a recitation of significant inductance structure. For the systems which provide for systems having transformers and/or inductances therein, see Class 323 referred to under "SEARCH CLASS" below.
b. Generator with Condenser Only in Load Circuit:
Where the condenser is recited by name only, the system is classified in Class 322, except in the following cases:
i. where the system is designed for the specific purpose of charging and discharging the condenser, such a system being classified in Class 320, Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, subclasses 166+.
ii. where the condenser is provided solely to control the characteristics of the load circuit (power factor control regulators) such a system being classified in Class 323 listed under References to Other Classes, below.
iii. or where the condenser is defined by significant condenser structure, such a system being classified in Class 323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems, subclass 364.
c. Generator and Resistor Only in Load Circuit:
Where the resistor is recited by name only, the system is classified in Class 322. Where significant characteristics of the resistor or resistor system is claimed, the system is classified as a resistor system. Also merely reciting a variable resistance is not considered to be a recitation of significant resistor or resistor system. If in the foregoing systems, structure of the resistor is recited, the patent will be excluded from Class 322.
d. Generator and Electric Switch Only in the Load Circuit:
Where the switch is recited by name only, the system is
classified in Class 322. Where significant switch structure or switching system is claimed, the patent is excluded from Class 322. Where an overload switch when open includes a resistor in the circuit to limit the generator current flow, the patent is classified in Class 322. Also, a switch in the load circuit to prevent reverse current flow to the generator is classified in Class 322. e. Generator with frequency changing means and/or phase converting means and/or current converting means and/or phase control means:
Where the generator supplies a load circuit which includes any of the following means, a frequency changing means, a phase converting means, a current converting means, or a phase controlling means, the patent is excluded from Class 322 whether the means in the load circuit is claimed broadly or specifically. For such excluded systems, see the references to Classes 363, Electric Power Conversion Systems, and 323 Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems, under "SEARCH CLASS" below.
f. Generator and Testing Means for Generator, Signal or Indicator for Generator, Recorder for Generator, Measuring Means for Generator:
Where the generator system includes by name only testing means for the generator, a recorder for the generator or measuring means (voltage, frequency, current, etc.) for the generator, the system is classified in Class 322. Class 322 also takes such systems where the system includes a plurality of such means recited by name only. If any significant characteristics of the testing means, signal or indicating means or recorder, or measuring means are recited, the system is classified with the particular means. For the classes which provide for such means, see the classes referred to under "Search Class" below.
g. Battery Charging and Discharging Systems:
This class excludes generator supplied battery charging systems, battery discharging systems, and the combined charging and discharging systems for one or more batteries. Such systems are in Class 320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging. See the reference to Class 320 under "Search Class" below.
h. Generator and Plural Circuit Elements or Means in the Load Circuit:
Where the generator load circuit includes a plurality of circuit elements or means, and one of the circuit elements is a transformer, a frequency changing means, a phase modification means, or a phase regulation means, even though recited by name only, such system is excluded from Class 322. Where the generator load circuit includes a plurality of circuit elements or means, none of which are these recited in
the foregoing paragraph, and such elements are recited by name only, and there is no recitation of the manner of connection of the elements to make any particular type of art system (as an impedance regulator), then the system is classified in Class 322. Where the system includes any significant characteristics of any of the plurality of circuit elements or of their connection with respect to each other in the load circuit, the system is classified according to the type system formed by the load circuit elements.
This class includes polyphase generator systems for supplying a single polyphase load circuit where significant generator structure or control is recited and if the polyphase load circuit is not excluded from the class by the limitation of "B. Load In Output Circuit Recited By Name Only Or Significantly" above. A polyphase load circuit including a plurality of single phase load circuits is excluded from Class 322 as being a plural load circuit.
Systems having a plurality of generators supplying a single load circuit or having a plurality of generators supplying a plurality of load circuits are excluded from Class 322. However, Class 322 does include single generator systems having one or more generators used as the source of excitation for the generator which supplies the single load circuit. See subclasses 59+. For the excluded subject matter, see the classes in References to Other Classes, below.
2. Plural Load Circuits:
Where the patent discloses a generating system and a plurality of load circuits supplied by a generator, but the plurality of load circuits are not claimed, the patent is included in Class 322. Where significant characteristics of the load circuits are claimed, so that the load circuits do not constitute a single load circuit, the patent is classified in the classes listed in References to Other Classes, below.
This class provides for generating systems as defined in the Class Definition, above having a nonmagnetic generator which are not otherwise classified. Nonmagnetic generators include: i. Battery generators. ii. Thermoelectric generators. iii. Photoelectric generators. iv. Piezoelectric generators. v. Electrostatic generators. vi. Friction generators. See References to Other Classes, below for these other classes and subclasses which provide for generating systems having a nonmagnetic generator.
Systems as defined in the Class Definition, above are included in this class where the only control means for the generator is a nonelectrical means (such as a mechanical or hydraulic system) controlling the operation of the generator prime mover, or the power transmission between the prime mover and the generator.
Where the prime mover is a nonelectric prime mover, see "G. Prime Mover Driven Generator Systems--b. Nonelectric Motor Driven Systems," below. Where the generator control means which controls only the generator structure (such as the generator magnetic structure or the brushes) no other generator control being provided, the subject matter is considered to be only generator structure and is excluded from Class 322. Where the generator control means includes electric means and nonelectric means, the subject matter is considered to be a generator control or regulation system included in Class 322.
a. Electric Motor Driven Generator Systems: This class provides for systems as defined in the Class Definition, above wherein the prime mover for the electric generator is an electric motor where significant generator structure or circuit is claimed, except where there is a significant relationship between the characteristics of the input circuit for the motor with relation to the output circuit of the generator so that the generator and its motor prime mover constitutes a translating device in a system for converting electric energy having particular characteristics to electric energy having other characteristics. Such excluded systems are classified in Class 363, Electric Power Conversion Systems. Included in Class 322, in subclasses 10+ are motor generator systems where the generator is used as a motor to start the motor, the motor after the starting period is over, serving as a prime mover for the generator. Motor generator systems where the generator is recited by name only and is only a nominal load for the motor are excluded from Class 322 and are classified in Class 318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems as a motor system. See the reference to Classes 321, 318 and 333 under "Search Class" below.
b. Nonelectric Motor Driven Generator Systems: Electric generating systems having the generator driven by a nonelectric prime mover and where either significant characteristics of the prime mover or significant prime mover control features are set forth are excluded from Class 322, and are classified in Class 290, Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants.
This class provides for electrical system as distinguished
from the structure of the devices capable of translating nonelectric to electric energy. See "F. Nonelectrical Means Controlling The Generator," above. For the classes which provide for generator structure, per se, see the classes referred to in References to Other Classes, below.
Where the system includes a dynamo-electric machine, and the machine is disclosed but not claimed as either an electric motor or and electric generator, the patent is classified in Class 322, if the claimed system is otherwise within the definition of Class 322, and provided that no structure or circuit is claimed that limits the system to being a motor system (in case the machine is disclosed as being a motor. Where the machine is claimed as being either a motor or generator, the patent is classified in Class 322). However, see Class 505, Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process, subclasses 150+ for high temperature (Tc 30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly subclasses 166+ for motors or generators containing high temperature superconductors.
Where a generating system is part of an art system or other system, it is classified with such art device or other system. For a partial list of the classes that provide for such art systems or other systems, see the classes listed under References To Other Classes below.
40, Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting, and appropriate subclasses, for generator supplied signs, see 541+, for illuminated signs.
43, Fishing, Trapping, and Vermin Destroying,
16, and 17, for generator supplied signaling devices, subclass 42.07, for generator supplied illuminated bait, subclasses 98+, for generator supplied electrocuting trap, subclass 112, for generator supplied electrocuting devices for insects, and subclass 113, for generator supplied illuminated traps for insects, and subclass 27, for generator supplied devices to illuminate artificial and live bait.
47, Plant Husbandry,
1.3, for generator supplied systems of electroculture for plants.
73, Measuring and Testing, and appropriate subclasses, for generator systems used in measuring and testing apparatus.
See note 3, C, Electrical, to the class definition of Class 73, for the line between Classes 73 and 322. In Class 73, see
862+, for dynamometer systems for measuring torque, moments work or power by measuring the force exerted or power exerted by a prime mover for a dynamoelectric generating machine, see indented subclass 862.191 for such systems where the power is measured during transmission.
84, Music,
600+, for electric musical instruments utilizing an electric generator for electrical tone generation. See subclasses 1.04+, where the generator includes a tuned sound wave generator or resonator (such as tuned reed or string) subclass 1.18 where the instrument includes an electro-optical type (photo-cell) generator, subclasses 1.19+, for the instruments with generators (usually dynamoelectric generators) and means for the selective control of the tone partials, and subclass 1.28 for the instruments with pattern or sound record type generators.
105, Railway Rolling Stock,
35+, for locomotives in which a prime mover runs an electric generator for generating electricity which supplies current for electric motors to drive the locomotive, and subclasses 49+, for generator supplied electric locomotives, see indented subclasses 50+, for electric locomotives which carry primary or storage batteries for the supply of electricity to the motors or other car devices. 123, Internal-Combustion Engines,
143+, for generator supplied ignition systems for internal combustion engines; see subclass 148, for the high tension ignition systems including those having a dynamoelectric generator; and subclass 149, for ignition systems having a dynamoelectric generator operated by an engine, the dynamo supplying the ignition current, and for combined dynamo-electric generator and ignitors and for dynamoelectric generators which are especially designed for use with internal combustion engines for supplying the ignition current.
136, Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric
89, for structure of photoelectric generators, and see "E. Generating Systems With Nonmagnetic Generator:" above for a reference to battery generators, per se. ("Photoelectric Generators")
136, Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric,
200+, for structure of thermoelectro generators. (" Thermoelectric generators")
188, Brakes,
159+, for brakes operated by means of electric current furnished by the motors, acting as generators.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, is the generic class for chemical apparatus and systems involving electric and wave energy and including arrangements wherein the source of electric energy is a generator.
219, Electric Heating, for generator supplied heating and welding systems.
236, Automatic Temperature and Humidity Regulation, appropriate 69, for thermocouples used in temperature regulating systems. ("Thermoelectric generators")
246, Railway Switches and Signals, for generator supplied electric railway switch and signal systems; see
245, for car actuated generators, that is, devices by which the energy of the moving vehicle is converted into electrical energy for actuating switches and/or signals.
250, Radiant Energy,
200+, for miscellaneous photo cell controlled electric circuits and photocell apparatus, particularly subclass 212 where the photocell is a self-generating type cell (e.g., battery) which supplies electric current to the circuit. ("Photoelectric Generators")
257, Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes),
10, 11, 21, 53-56, 72, 80-85, 113-118, 184-189, 225-234, 257-258, 290-294, 414, and 431-466 for light responsive active semiconductor devices. ("Photoelectric Generators")
290, Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants, see section I, J, of the class definition above, for a reference to nonelectric prime mover driven electric generators.
307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
11+, for systems wherein one or more generators are interconnected with two or more load circuits, and subclasses 43+ for systems wherein two or more generators supply an electrical system.
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
306, for pyromagnetic electric generators and generation systems. (" Thermoelectric generators")
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
311+, for piezoelectric generators and generation systems. ( "Piezoelectric Generators")
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
309, for electrostatic generators. ("Electro-state generators")
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure,
310, for friction generators. ("Friction Generators)
314, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes, appropriate subclasses, for generator supplied consumable electrode devices (arc lamps, arc welding, electrodes, etc.).
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
55, for electric lamps and electrical space discharge devices (radio tubes) which have a piezoelectric device structurally combined therewith so as to form a unitary device. ( "Piezoelectric Generators")
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems, and the classes and subclasses specified in the notes to the definition of that class, for generator supplied electric lamps and electric space discharge devices. See
33, for the portable self-contained systems in class 315; subclass 55 for lamps and electric space discharge devices having an electric current generator combined therewith to form a self-contained unit; subclass 78, for class 315 systems having the electric current generator driven by a vehicle motor or driven in response to the motion of a vehicle; and subclass 302, for regulating systems within class 315, where the system includes means to control the current generator. 318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, for generator supplied motor systems. See section J of the class definition above for motor driven generator systems. See section III of the class definition of Class 322 for the line between Classes 318 and 322 with respect to systems having a dynamoelectric machine where the machine is disclosed as a motor, but is not claimed as a motor and where the claimed system is generic to either a motor or generator.
320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, appropriate subclass for a generator-supplied battery charging system (See section I, D, 3, g, and I, G, of this class definition for the line between Classes 320 and 322 with respect to a generator-supplied battery load); and
166+, for a generator-supplied capacitor charging circuit (See "Load In Output Circuit Recited By Name Only Or Significantly:--Generator with Condenser Only in Load Circuit" above for the line between Classes 320 and 322 with respect to a generator supplying a load capacitor.)
320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, appropriate subclass for a battery charging either another battery or a capacitor, or for a generator-supplied battery charging system. ( "Battery charging or discharging")
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems, for miscellaneous voltage magnitude controlled systems and miscellaneous phase controlled systems.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses, for testing apparatus having electric generators for supplying the electric current for the testing, electric systems for testing the characteristics of electric generators (see "Load In Output Circuit Recited By Name Only Or Significantly:--Generator Testing Means for Generator, Signal, etc." above for a statement of the general line between Classes 324 and 322 for generator systems provided with a testing means), and testing apparatus using electric generator systems for indicating some characteristic of the device being tested (such as speed).
331, Oscillators,
73, for crystal oscillators of the electron-coupled type, subclass 139 for crystal oscillators of the bridge type, subclass 155 for oscillators wherein a piezoelectric crystal drives or is driven by the electro-mechanical frequency determining resonator of the oscillator and subclass 158 for crystal oscillators in general. ( "Piezoelectric Generators")
331, Oscillators,
71, for oscillation generating systems wherein a generator of raw A.C. may be employed as source of power or bias for the oscillator, and subclasses 185+ for oscillation generating systems having a particular source of power or bias voltage, which source may be a generator of the type classified in Class 322.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks, 148+, for delay networks of the electro- mechanical transducer type, which may include a piezoelectric device, and wherein the mechanical coupling between the motor and the generator determines the delay characteristics of the network, and subclasses 187+ for wave filters of the piezoelectric type. ("Piezoelectric Generators")
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
148+, for delay networks of the electromechanical type, subclasses 167+ for wave filter networks, particularly subclasses 186+ for wave filters of the electromechanical type, wherein the mechanical coupling between the motor and the generator determines the propagation characteristic of the filter.
340, Communications: Electrical, appropriate subclasses, for generator systems having an electric signal or indicator; see "Load In Output Circuit Recited By Name Only Or Significantly:--Generator Testing Means for Generator, Signal, etc." above for the general line between Class 322 and Class 340 with respect to such systems. See "Generating Systems With Nonmagentic Generator" of the class definition of Class 322 for a reference to the nonelectromagnetic induction generators in Class 340.
340, Communications: Electrical,
10, for piezoelectric devices used in submarine signaling. ( "Piezoelectric Generators")
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
139+, for relay systems, subclasses 236+ for speed-controlled systems which include an electric current generator system, and subclasses 247+ for igniting systems having electric generators for supplying the igniting device.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
271+, for condenser structure. ("Electro-state generators")
362, Illumination, 193, for bicycle driven generators for supplying a lamp; subclasses 157+ for miscellaneous portable self-contained electric lamps (flashlights).
363, Electric Power Conversion Systems, appropriate subclasses for conversion systems which may be supplied by a generator.
102+, for dynamoelectric machine current converter systems wherein the converter might be a motor-generator set or an analogous machine; subclass 150 for dynamoelectric phase converter systems; subclasses 174+ for dynamoelectric machine frequency converter systems, particularly subclass 175 wherein the converter comprises a motor-generator set.
369, Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval,
144, for a piezoelectric phonograph pickup; and subclasses 146+ for an electromagnetic phonograph pickup.
373, Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces, and appropriate
subclasses, for electric generator supplied furnaces, note especially
102+, for arc furnace control systems, and subclasses 135+, for resistance furnace control systems.
374, Thermal Measuring and Testing,
179+, for a temperature measuring system having a thermoelectric sensor. ("Thermoelectric generators")
376, Induced Nuclear Reactions: Processes, Systems, and Elements, appropriate subclasses for nuclear reactors, per se, which may be combined with electric generator systems of this class (322). For the line between Class 376 and the energy generating classes see the class definition of Class 376 under II (1) and (2a).
379, Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses for a telephone device or system with power source detail, 371, for magneto signalling in a telephone system.
381, Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices,
173, for piezoelectric microphones and subclass 190 for a piezoelectric speaker. ( "Piezoelectric Generators")
381, Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices,
177, for a moving coil microphone structure.
416, Fluid Reaction Surfaces (i.e., Impellers), appropriate subclasses for a generator system combined with significant impeller structure.
441, Buoys, Rafts, and Aquatic Devices,
1+, for generator supplied buoys; and subclasses 13+ for illuminated buoys.
455, Telecommunications,
95, for generator supplied portable radio transmitters and receivers; and see subclass 351 for portable self-contained receivers.
150+, for high temperature (Tc 30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly subclasses 166+ for motors or generators containing high temperature superconductors. 607, Surgery: Light, Thermal, and Electrical Application, appropriate subclasses, especially
1, electric generator supplied surgical apparatus, also for chairs and seats combined with an electric generator (rocking of the chair used to operate dynamoelectric generator), subclass 149 for devices to be worn on the person, as belts, bands, etc., which include an electric generator (usually a battery), and subclasses 115+ for portable self contained medical apparatus for applying electric energy to the body and including an electric generator.
As used herein are devices and apparatus for converting any character of nonelectric energy to electric energy.
As used herein involves the conversion of any character of nonelectric energy to electric energy.
Includes the system into which the electric energy from the electric generator is supplied, and may include a load device recited broadly or by name only (such as a welding load) in some cases. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, above.