(under the class definition) Systems provided with a condenser connected either in electrical series relation or electrical shunt relation to the load device and the source of current supply for the load device.
(1) Note. This subclass includes systems having a condenser and discharge device, the condenser being charged by a suitable source of potential until the potential is sufficient to ionize the discharge space of the discharge device, when the condenser is discharged through the discharge device. Such systems are included whether the system is stated to be for the production of oscillations or merely for the production of the space discharge (light generation). In some of the systems, the condenser is connected so as to form, with the other circuit elements, an oscillatory circuit. Such oscillatory circuit systems are included even though it is not clear from the patent that the discharge gas is ionized with each oscillatory impulse of current. Where it is clear that the oscillatory circuit is merely fed with current through the discharge device, and the oscillatory current does not ionize the discharge space but continues to oscillate in a closed circuit which does not include the discharge device, the oscillatory circuit is considered as a load device and the patent is excluded from this class, and will be found in Class 331, Oscillators, particularly subclasses 126+ for electrical oscillator systems of the gaseous space discharge device type utilizing a capacitor as one of the frequency determining elements of the system, indented subclass 128 providing for systems wherein the gaseous space discharge device provides for shock-excitation of an LC circuit, subclasses 143+ for relaxation oscillator utilizing space discharge devices and wherein an RC time constant network determines the period or frequency of the generated oscillation and subclasses 165+ for oscillators in general comprising a shock-excited resonant circuit or some related class.
44, and 45, for devices which include a discharge device, an inductance and a condenser which are structurally combined in a unitary device.
58, for discharge devices having structurally combined therewith a condenser.
71, for lamps having structurally combined therewith a condenser. 173, for systems which include two sources of current supply for the load device, one of the supply circuits including a condenser.
187, and indented subclass, for systems wherein a plurality of load devices are connected in electrical series relation, a condenser being connected in the circuit.
223, for systems which include a transformer in the supply circuit of the load device, a periodic switch and a condenser being included in the primary circuit of the supply transformer.
224, for systems under the class definition which include a condenser and a periodic switch in the supply circuit of the load device.
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
364, and the subclasses specified in the notes to the definition of that subclass, for miscellaneous condenser systems and for miscellaneous systems having a condenser for controlling the magnitude of the current and/or voltage in a single circuit.
378, X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices,
103, for X-ray tube systems wherein the X-ray tube is designed to be energized by the discharge from a charged condenser.