Current as of: June, 1999
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201  DF  .~> Plural load device systems
202  DF  .~> Plural cathode and/or anode discharge device load {1}
205  DF  .~> Plural discharge devices and/or rectifiers in the supply circuit
206  DF  .~> Discharge device and/or rectifier in the primary circuit of the supply transformer
207  DF  .~> Discharge device and/or rectifier in shunt to the load device
208  DF  .~> Discharge control discharge device in the supply circuit
200 A  DF  .~> Flashers

Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R A


Classification: 315/200

(under the class definition) Systems provided with a discharge device or an electric current rectifier connected either in electrical series relation or electric shunt relation to the load device and the source of current supply for the load device.

(1) Note. Patents claiming systems under the class definition which only have two or more lamps or electric space discharge devices limited in the claims to the gas or vapor type which are included as load devices in this class are not classified in this subclass or the indented subclasses, even though one of the devices is disclosed and claimed only as a means for controlling and/or modifying the current flow to one of the devices which is the ultimate load device. Such patents are classified in the other appropriate subclasses in this class as a plural load device system. This subclass and the indented subclasses include only systems under the class definition wherein the system includes a rectifier and or a discharge device of the type which is not included as a load device in this class.

(2) Note. Where the only discharge device and/or rectifier is in the discharge control circuit of a discharge control discharge device load, the patent is not classified in this

or the indented subclasses, unless the discharge control means is an auxiliary starting electrode, for which see subclass 203 and indented subclass. For systems under the class definition having a discharge device, a rectifier in the discharge control circuit of a discharge control discharge device load, see subclass 352 and indented subclass and the subclasses specified in the notes to the definition of those subclasses.


36, for a plurality of series connected discharge devices combined with an electric circuit element, all of which are structurally combined to form a unitary device.

46, for a discharge device and a filament which are structurally combined to form a unitary device, the filament being connected in electrical shunt to the discharge electrodes. 49, for a discharge device and a filament which are structurally combined to form a unitary device, the filament being in electrical series with the discharge device.

101, for systems wherein the load device is a discharge device provided with a thermionic cathode heated by the passage of electric current, or an indirectly heated cathode, the cathode or the cathode heater circuit having a discharge device and/or an electric current rectifier connected either in electrical series relation or electrical shunt relation with respect to the cathode or cathode heater and the source of supply.

171, for systems where there are a plurality of sources of current supply, one of the supply circuits having a discharge device or rectifier therein.

179, for systems having a plurality of diverse type load devices which are connected in electrical series relation, one of the load devices being a discharge device.

189, for systems where there are a plurality of series connected discharge device loads.

324, and indented subclass and the subclasses referred to in the notes to the definition of that subclass for systems under the class definition which include a plurality of discharge device loads.

352, see note (2) above.


314, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes,

64, for consumable electrode discharge device systems which

include a space discharge device for controlling the operation of the electrode feeding mechanism.

323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems, 227, and 291, for miscellaneous systems having one or more discharge devices for controlling the magnitude of the current and/or voltage in a single circuit.

327, Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous circuits utilizing a discharge device to control the flow of current or potential to a load device.

363, Electric Power Conversion Systems,

74+, for rectifying or derectifying systems with automatic voltage and/or current magnitude control; subclasses 83, 94, and 99 for rectifying or derectifying systems with line circuit control by means of an electronic tube; and subclasses 111+ for rectifying or derectifying systems wherein the convertor is an electronic tube.

378, X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices,

104, for X-ray tube power supplies with specific rectifier.