(under subclass 613) Subject matter wherein the gas or vapor within the envelope becomes ionized in the operation of the device and the electrode is a cathode separated from an anode by the ionized gas or vapor and there is a barrier protecting the cathode so that the positive ions will hit the barrier to protect the cathode.
(1) Note. The shield is generally connected electrically to dissipate the electrical charge as a result of the ions
hitting shield.
(2) Note. Shields or anode plates about a thermic cathode achieve a reduction of the anode voltage drop and slows down the darkening of a lamp or electronic tube without damage to the cathode.
(3) Note. An electrical cathode shield is an auxiliary electrode electrically acting as an anode in alternate half cycles of a.c. operation of a discharge device.
(4) Note. The positive ion shield need not for the purpose of shielding the cathode.
614, for a gas or vapor discharge device having an anode shield.