Having baffle, partition, or constricting means affecting discharge:
(under subclass 567) Subject matter which includes physical structure within the envelope to change the direction of the electrical discharge within the envelope or which can be part of the envelope to change the area of the discharge flowing within the envelope.
(1) Note. Shields for an electrode which may act as a baffle are classified in subclasses 613+.
(2) Note. Electrical type of control of the discharge is not classified here.
(3) Note. In these indented subclasses, there is no structure to stop the electrical discharge from continuing.
33, for a lamp or discharge device having an envelope with internal temperature modifying baffle.
317+, for a lamp or discharge device having a particular envelope structure.
325, for a miscellaneous discharge device which has an insulating material in the discharge space.
608, for a gas or vapor discharge device including particulate material between discharge electrode.
613+, for an electrode with a baffle to prevent an electrical discharge from hitting the electrode except in a specific direction.
634, for a gas or vapor discharge device having an envelope with a nonlinear discharge path.