.~ Cathodes containing and/or coated with electron emissive material {1}
346 DC
.~.~ Dispensator cathode
Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R DC
Classification: 313/346
(under subclass 326) Electrodes which are made at least in part of electron emissive material or which are coated with electron emissive material.
(1) Note. Where no structure other than the mere composition of the electrode is claimed, or no structure other than the mere composition of the base and/or coating is claimed, the patent is excluded from Class 313. Merely naming the electrode as a wire, rod, filament, plate or electrode will not cause classification in Class 313. For the classification of electrodes defined only by their composition, and for coated electrodes involving only a base with a coating thereon, see the class definition.
310, and the subclasses specified in the notes thereto for discharge devices which are provided with an emissive cathode.
329, for the structure of electron emissive mosaic electrodes.
336, for the structure of electron emissive electrodes where the electron emission is restricted to a point-like source.
337, for the structure of electron emissive indirectly heated cathodes. 341, for the structure of electron emissive filaments and resistance heated electrodes, see indented subclass 345 where the filament or resistance heated electrode has an emissive
coating thereon.
353, for electrode structure where a portion of the electrode is a nondischarge sustaining portion.
427, Coating Processes,
58+, for processes of coating, per se, wherein the product is an electrical product.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
375+, for a filament or electrode which may be made at least in part from electron emissive material or which is coated with electron emissive material, and subclass 553 for an electrode comprising a particulate metal component adjacent to a nonparticulate metal component.