(under subclass 326) Electrodes where the electrode surface is in the form of minute conductive areas insulated electrically from each other and arranged in the manner of a mosaic surface.
(1) Note. The insulation may be of high resistance so as to allow the leakage of electricity from one area to another.
(2) Note. In many of the patents in this subclass, the small minute areas are photosensitive, but they need not be photosensitive.
367+, for cathode-ray tubes having a photosensitive mosaic electrode.
531+, for miscellaneous photosensitive discharge devices having a photosensitive mosaic electrode. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
427, Coating Processes,
77+, for processes of coating wherein the product is electron emissive or suppressive.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
376, for an electrode having a discontinuous coating thereon which may be of the mosaic type, and which includes no more structure than a base having one or more coatings thereon.
445, Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing,
52, and 60+ and the classes specified in the notes thereto, for processes and apparatus for making mosaic electrodes.