.~ Support mounted in or around aperture in conductive wall or plate
Classification: 313/281
(under subclass 238) Devices which have the support for the electrode mounted in or around an aperture in a conductive wall or plate.
(1) Note. In some of the devices in this subclass, the support for the electrode or the electrode is intended to pass through the conductive wall or plate. In other devices, the electrode supporting means surrounds an aperture in the conductive wall or plate and the electrode is located in the same side of the wall or plate as the supporting means, the aperture being provided so that the electrode may cooperate through the aperture with other means located upon the opposite side of the wall or plate.
(2) Note. Neither the electrode nor its supporting means need necessarily be insulated from the conductive wall or plate.
282, and the subclasses specified in the notes to the definition of that subclass for devices under subclass 238 which have an envelope which has a portion of the wall made of metal or conductive material and an electrode, the electrode being supported by the conductive wall portion or being supported by means of a support which is supported by the conductive wall portion.
174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, 151+, for devices for insulating a conductor from a wall or plate through which the conductor extends.