(under subclass 163) Discharge devices having an envelope and having an electrode exteriorly of the envelope.
(1) Note. This subclass includes discharge devices provided with two electrodes within the envelope and a metal band surrounding the envelope in the vicinity of the liquid electrode. The external electrode may also be a conductor member exterior of the envelope which extends from one of the electrodes into the vicinity of the liquid electrode. Also included are envelopes having re-entrant portions, a wire or rod electrode being within the re-entrant portion and exterior to the space enclosed by the envelope. The auxiliary electrodes in the devices in this subclass are often used to electrically stress the region near the liquid electrode to facilitate the initiation of the discharge in the device.
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
349+, and the subclasses specified in the notes thereto, for miscellaneous systems for supplying electrical energy to discharge devices of the liquid electrode type which are provided with a discharge controlling means, (e.g., external electrode).
329, Demodulators, appropriate subclasses and particularly
368, for an amplitude modulation demodulator utilizing an electron discharge device which may include an exterior liquid electrode.