(under subclass 118) Subject matter having significant ignition electrode structure, interelectrode spacing, or inter-electrode spatial relationship, or having an ignition electrode formed of particular material.
(1) Note. An electrode for a spark plug defined only by the composition of which it is made is not classified herein. Such electrodes are classified elsewhere. See the Search Class notes below.
122, for this subject matter where the shell electrode is readily removable or demountable.
123+, for this subject matter having plural series gaps.
132, for this subject matter where an electrode has a capillary groove. 133, for this subject matter where an electrode is ball shaped.
138, for this subject matter where both electrodes are pure figures of revolution about the plug axis.
139, for this subject matter where the electrode is shaped like a ring or disk or sector of a ring or disk.
140, for this subject matter having plural distinct parallel gaps, such as, for example, those formed between a serrated and a smooth electrode.
311, for space discharge devices having electrodes made of particular materials.
326+, for miscellaneous discharge device electrode structure.
75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate, if made of a pure metal, or an alloy.
228+, provides for sintered or consolidated metal powder stock material.
148, provides for such electrodes defined solely by their metal or alloy composition and which are distinguished by their internal structure or characteristics of the metal or metal alloy (e.g., produced by a Class 148 treatment).
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
544+, provides for electrode materials which as defined are only metal wire or other metallic stock material.