(under subclass 123) Subject matter in which one of the series gaps is located in the lead-in path which includes the center electrode connector for the ignition wire and the ignition spark electrode conductively attached to or formed by the center electrode, the gap being located outside of the interior portion of the spark plug (e.g., not in the electrode chamber).
(1) Note. Where all of the series gaps are exposed to the cylinder charge so as to form ignition spark gaps, or where the intensifier is located, not in the center electrode but rather in a noncenter electrode return circuit or lead-in, the art will be found in subclass 123 above.
(2) Note. The center electrode may be formed of plural parts with the spaced electrode parts forming the intensifier gap, or the center electrode may be spaced from the connector for the ignition wire so as to form an intensifier gap with a portion of the connector structure, or it may be otherwise arranged so as to be in the center electrode lead-in path.
(3) Note. Spark Intensifiers for Spark Plugs: Intensifier spark gaps designed for use with spark plugs are not classified in this or the indented subclasses unless the intensifier gap is a unitary part of the complete spark plug, when see subclasses 123+. Where only the spark plug bushing (i.e., shell, core, center wire) is claimed, no ignition spark electrodes being claimed, the intensifier gap being located in or on the bushing, the patent is likewise excluded and classified as an intensifier gap. See Search This Class, Subclass, below, for some of the subclasses to be searched for these intensifier gaps are:
1+, where there are a plurality of intensifier gaps in a unitary device.
51, where the intensifier is claimed in combination with a detachable electric connector. 110+, where the intensifier includes an optical element as a
lens, mirror, etc..
146+, where the intensifier is provided with a movable or adjustable electrode or shield (e.g., a screw threaded electrode so that the size of the gap may be adjusted).
267, where the electrodes are rods or rod-like members.
268, where the electrodes are held apart by an insulating member between the electrodes, and subclass 243 for the other type.
282+, especially 243, 267, 268 where the supporting or spacing structure for mounting the intensifier electrodes are claimed. See subclass
324, for the intensifiers with a casing including those having a transparent window.
567, especially 620+, 622, 634+ where the intensifier is mounted in a sealed envelope containing gas or vapor.
315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,
58+, for similar subject matter having a circuit impedance such as, for example, a nonlinear resistor in the center electrode lead-in.