(under the class definition) Structures having at least two components, such as compartments, walls, doors, shelves, partitions, racks or other article supports, or similar parts of a compartment, so associated and mounted that movement of one imparts constrained motion to the other. Includes flexible-type components of three or more strip, slat or panel elements connected edge to edge for constrained relative motion and movable to face-to-face or zigzag position or interconnected with another component. Details, such as movable guide bars, supporting arms, props, latch bolts, operating lever, etc., are not regarded as cabinet components.
21+, for disappearing-instrument type cabinets having interconnected parts.
266+, for interconnected parts, one of which is continuously level or self-righting while revolving around a horizontal
270.1+, for closures supported inside a cabinet and movable into position upon contact with an associated compartment that is being moved into housed position.
297+, for fabric-type components, and for flexible-type components which comprise three or more strip, slat or panel elements connected edge to edge for constrained relative motion along an angular or curved path, that portion of the component adjacent the path always forming a corresponding surface. 298+, for plural parts which move relatively as a unit, particularly where the relative motion is not constrained and is caused by gravity, and also where, during relative motion, one of the parts can remain stationary.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,
61.62+, for electric circuit makers and breakers actuated by the movement of a closure.