Class Notes

Current as of: June, 1999
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Classification: 307/

This is the residual class for all subject matter, not elsewhere classified, relating to electrical transmission or interconnection systems.

(1) Note. This class was produced in 1953 by making official the unofficial digests which have been established by the examiners of Division 26 during the period from about 1900 onwards. A caveat is given: while it is believed that the titles and definitions are reasonably accurate, no assurance can be given that all the patents, issued prior to the date of reclassification, are in the proper subclass since only some of these patents were read during the reclassification project. Consequently, in making a thorough search in this class, it is advisable to investigate every subclass which may possibly be pertinent and not, in order to shorten the search, to rely upon the principle of superiority of subject matter because of position in the schedule, since that principle is applicable only in classes where each

patent has been analyzed and placed in the schedule in accordance with that portion of the disclosed subject matter which is claimed.

(2) Note. Since Class 307 takes, under the class definition, only subject matter relating to electrical transmission or interconnection systems not elsewhere classified, its scope can be determined only by determining the scope of other related classes, which classes are listed below under Search Class. Also consult the search notes and definitions of these classes.

(3) Note. Many mechanical classes containing electrical disclosures, as where a machine has, as part thereof, some electrical features, such as controls. Consequently, in appropriate instances, the search must extend to the class or classes which relate to the environment in which the electrical disclosure might be found.



84, Music,

600+, for electric organs having interconnection and switching systems. 174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses, for the physical structure of conductors. Also note

2+, for lightning rod systems and subclasses 5+ for systems for protecting people and animals from electric shock hazard.

178, Telegraphy, appropriate subclasses, for telegraph systems.

191, Electricity: Transmission to Vehicles, for systems for distributing electricity between a stationary point and a movable vehicle. Note particularly


200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, appropriate subclasses, for electric switches and circuit breakers.

204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, appropriate subclasses, for electric systems utilized in electro-chemical apparatus, such as electrolytic and cathode sputtering apparatus.

219, Electric Heating, appropriate subclasses, especially

482+, for a heating device having a power supply and voltage or current regulation or current control means.

246, Railway Switches and Signals, appropriate subclasses, for electric circuits utilized in railway switches and signals.

250, Radiant Energy, appropriate subclasses, for the detection of nuclear or invisible electromagnetic radiation, the testing of material by nuclear or invisible electromagnetic radiation, infrared or thermal document barriers, fluorescent and phosphorescent applications, invisible radiant energy generation controlling means and supports for tested material radiation sources and radiation detectors. 290, Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants, appropriate subclasses, for electric circuits utilized in prime mover dynamo plants.

310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure, appropriate subclasses, for the physical structure of electric generators and motors and electromagnetic clutches and for the circuits that relate to electromagnetic clutches.

313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, appropriate subclasses, for the physical structure of electric lamp and discharge devices, per se.

314, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes, for arc lamp circuits.

315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems, appropriate subclasses for cathode rays tube circuits and electric lamp and space discharge device circuits.

318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, appropriate subclasses for electric circuits utilized in electric motor systems.

320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, appropriate subclass for a battery or capacitor charging or discharging circuit.

322, Electricity: Single Generator Systems, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in single generator systems.

323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems, appropriate subclasses, for circuits utilized in voltage magnitude and phase control systems.

324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in electrical measuring, testing and sensing systems.

326, Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry, appropriate subclasses for an electronic digital logic circuit.

327, Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous active device nonlinear circuits.

332, Modulators, appropriate subclasses for modulating systems.

333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks, appropriate subclasses for transmission lines and networks, utilized in communications.

335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets, appropriate subclasses for magnetically operated switches and circuit breakers.

340, Communications: Electrical, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous signaling systems.

342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., Radar, Radio Navigation), appropriate subclasses for radio wave energy communication systems and antennas.

345, Computer Graphics Processing, Operator Interface Processing and Selective Visual Display Systems,

418+, for computer s:graphics processing.

346, Recorders, appropriate subclasses, especially

33+, for systems utilized with recorders.

348, Television, appropriate subclasses for television systems.

358, Facsimile, appropriate subclasses for facsimile systems. 361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous electrical systems. Note

1+, for safety and protective systems, and and subclasses 139+ for control circuits for electromagnetic devices.

363, Electric Power Conversion Systems, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in electric conversion systems.

364, Electrical Computers and Data Processing Systems,

130+, for generic data processing control systems.

365, Static Information Storage and Retrieval,

185.01+, for floating gate memory storage (e.g., flash memory), subclass 73 for recirculation of information in a storage read/write system, subclass 78 for plural shift

register memory devices, subclass 80 for magnetic shift register, per se, subclasses 129+ for storage systems using a particular storage element, subclasses 189.01+ for read/write circuits peculiar to a storage and retrieval system, and subclass 230 for addressing circuits peculiar to a storage and retrieval system.

370, Multiplex Communications, appropriate subclasses for multiplexing systems.

373, Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces,

70, 102+, 135+, and 147 for electric furnaces having significant electrical circuits.

377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems, for electrical pulse counters, dividers and shift registers. 378, X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices,

91+, for circuits combined with X-ray devices.

379, Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses, for telephone systems.

386, Television Signal Processing for Dynamic Recording or Reproducing, appropriate subclasses for television recording systems.

395, Information Processing System Organization,

80+, for data processing of robot control systems.

445, Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing, appropriate subclasses, for circuits utilized in the manufacture or repair of electric lamp or electric space discharge devices.

704, Data Processing: Speech Signal Processing, Linguistics, Language Translation and Audio Compression/Decompression,

200+, for artificial intelligence systems that process speech signals.

706, Data Processing: Intelligent Processing Systems and Methods, various subclasses for artificial intelligence systems that represent, apply, and acquire knowledge.

708, Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating,

1+, for electric hybrid computers, subclasses 100+ for electric digital calculating computers, and subclasses 800+ for electric analog computers. 712, Electrical Computers and Digital Data Processing

Systems: Processing Architectures and Instruction Processing (e.g., Processors),

300, for byte level interactions.

714, Error Detection/Correction and Fault Detection/Recovery,

1+, for reliability and availability in digital processing systems.