(under subclass 117) Apparatus wherein the lubricant space or channel is provided within or for an endless track cylinder assembly mounted on the track frame intermediate the track sprocket and the idler wheel usually used for maintaining the lower run of the endless track in firm engagement with the underlying terrain.
384, Bearings,
308+, for lubricating a fixed shaft with a capillary type of internal feed; subclass 418 for lubricating a rotary elongated roller. [figure] [caption]A - Elongated shaft; B - Bolts to secure shaft to track frame; C - Spaced rails forming track frame; D - Roller; E - Guiding flanges; F - Bearings; G - End collars; H - Thrust washers; J, K - Seals; L - Lubricant reservoir; M - Lubricant receiving port; N - Radial bore establishes fluid communication