(under subclass 124.1) Axle including a terminal member distinct from the portion of the axle that extends under and engages the vehicle proper, which member is generally rodlike, is at the wheel axis, supports the wheel (bearings) directly, and is, in turn, supported by the vehicle-engaging portion of the axle.
180, Motor Vehicles, appropriate subclasses for a spindle axle mounted upon a self-propelled vehicle wherein the spindle axle is either (a) driven, (b) driven and steered, or (c) steered by a power assisting steering system. Note the criteria specified in Class 180 definition for determining whether the self-propelled vehicle is proper for this class (Class 180). Class 180 is superior to Class 280 in the class hierarchy.
280, Land Vehicles,
124.125+, for particular running gear construction separately supporting a wheel upon an individual stub axle.