.~> Having traction-rotated tool (e.g., glass cutters)
Classification: 30/164.9
(under the class definition) Devices for marking by means of a point or cutting edge.
(1) Note. These devices are often called scoring tools, scribers, or scratch awls.
(2) Note. A patent for a brush having glass bristles for scratching, and thereby erasing indicia from, a surface will be placed in this subclass.
164.5, for ice picks.
366+, for pointed perforating or indenting implements.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,
435+, for dip-pen type marking devices.
33, Geometrical Instruments,
18.1+, for marking devices combined with structure to make a geometrical instrument.
81, Tools,
9.2, for an indenting or a manifolding stylus (i.e., respectively, one which makes an impression by grooving without removing material; or by transfer to an underlying surface); and subclass 9.21 for a stamp scarifier.
83, Cutting,
879+, for machines and/or processes of scoring material; see the "Search Notes" under subclass 6 for other classes providing for scoring of material.
401, Coating Implements With Material Supply, appropriate subclasses, for a marking device with material supply; e.g.,