(under subclass 592) Process of supporting or grasping material to be modified or treated.
(1) Note. See the class definition of Class 269, Work Holders, for the scope of the terms "material", "modified", "treated", and "supporting". This subclass is residual to processes of holding work by means provided for in said Class 269.
(2) Note. Work holding combined with work treating is to be found in the appropriate work treating class.
76, Metal Tools and Implements, Making,
106.1, for making a metal work holder not elsewhere provided for.
269, Work Holders, for a device for holding work. See notes thereunder for other loci. 335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets,
285+, for a work holding magnet.
414, Material or Article Handling, especially
800+, for a process of material handling, generally.