.~.~> With equalized pressure on plural (nonopposed) jaws
Classification: 269/25
(under subclass 20) Device wherein (A) a fluid means is used to relatively move a solid (or hollow) member that has a generally circular periphery having a close fit within a surrounding hollow member that is similarly configured, and (B) one of these two members moves an immediately adjacent jaw*(s).
(1) Note. Patents will be placed in this subclass where (a) the movable piston or cylinder serves as a jaw itself, (b) the piston or cylinder is rigid with a jaw, or (c) a jaw is connected to the piston or cylinder by a pivot means or by a single universal-type joint.
(2) Note. There may be an additional jaw(s) that is independently adjusted* or actuated* by nonfluid means, provided such jaw(s) is not inter-related with the fluid operated jaw(s).
(3) Note. There may be a mechanical and/or electrical means, operated by a human operator, that starts or continues the operation of the fluid means; but, if there is a mechanical means between the fluid means and the jaw(s), see subclass 27 and the notes thereunder.
(4) Note. Compare the sketches under this subclass 25 and subclass 32 for illustrative examples of the structural variations that distinguish the subject matter placed in these groups of subclasses.
(5) Note. In the figure below, the jaw 1 is pivoted (at 2) to the piston rod 3 which is moved by the piston 4 operating within the cylinder 5. [figure] SEE OR SEARCH THIS CLASS, SUBCLASS:
27+, especially subclasses 32+, for patents to a fluid operated holder including additional positioning means, and see the notes thereunder.
257+, for patents to a jaw (face) feature, per se.