(under subclass 158) Spring device in which the spring element, or a group thereof, constitutes the sole support for a movable load member and the sole connection between said load member and another member fixed to its environment; whereby the direction of (generally, arcuate) movement of said load member is determined by the bending of said element, or group.
162, for (1) a spring device including a resilient ring pack and spaced members connected to each of the ends thereof; which members are merely end connection elements of the spring device, rather than load members and (2) the combination of load means, a spring ring pack and rigid rod means extending through the common central aperture of the pack, whereby the control of movement of the load by the flexure of the spring device ring elements is negated or, at least, significantly inhibited or modified.
178, for a flexural support including a series of coil-springs between a fixed member and a relatively movable