(under subclass 12) Subject matter in which the valve includes a reciprocating fluid control member and the actuator for such member comprises an expansible chamber device in which a portion of the expansible chamber of such device includes a working member comprising a wall made of flexible material and the flexing of such wall in response to the application of fluid pressure to the chamber constitutes the movement which effects actuation of the control member.
(1) Note. An "expansible chamber device" under this definition is a device in which the fluid actuating the expansible chamber device is disclosed as distinct from the fluid controlled by the control member of the valve; that is, a separate fluid or fluid valved from the controlled fluid is admitted to the expansible chamber to effect movement of the flexible wall structure. See the Search Class note below to Class 137, for devices excluded under this definition
(2) Note. The patents in this and the indented subclasses are necessarily directed to a combination - the combination of a reciprocating valve and a flexible wall expansible chamber device. Because an expansible chamber device, per se, is classified in Class 92 where a comprehensive breakdown is provided, patents which disclose a specific Class 92 device in combination with a valve but do not claim such combination, and where the improvement is directed to the Class 92 device only, should not be cross-referenced into
this and the indented subclasses. Rather, a cross-reference should be made to the appropriate subclass in Class 92.
45, and 46, for choked fluid pressure type servo-motor actuators for valves in which there is a diaphragm or bellows in the operating mechanism.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 92, Expansible Chamber Devices,
34+, for a bellows type expansible chamber device and subclasses 90+ for a flexible wall type expansible chamber device.
137, Fluid Handling,
494+, particularly subclass 505.36+ for a valve having a diaphragm as a reactor surface, subclass 510 for a valve wherein a diaphragm or bellows actuator for the valve is at least partially deflected by fluid in response to a change in line condition of such fluid, and subclass 525 for valves of deformable material in which the restoring force of such material constitutes the biasing means for the valve.