(under subclass 129.01) Subject matter also including an alternative actuator which does not require electrical energy to move the valve.
(1) Note. Where both electrical and nonelectrical
mechanisms are present, but in which the mechanisms are not of themselves each capable of fully controlling the valve, the actuators are not considered to be alternative within the scope of this subclass and are classified in the appropriate subclass for the electrical actuation and cross referenced for novel nonelectrical actuation mechanisms. An example of such excluded device would be a trip released actuator with an electrical reset in subclasses 70+.
(2) Note. See the class definition of Class 137 section 4 for search notes on multiple actuators.
14, for fluid actuated valves having alternative nonfluid, including electrical, actuating means.
68+, for electrical trip actuation including electrical reset for valves, and see (1) Note above.