(under the class definition) Subject matter comprising means responsive to invisible radiation whose response is something other than an increase or decrease in electric potential difference or current flow between some two electrically accessible points and which response is used to indicate the presence, type or amount of incident radiation and methods utilizing such means.
(1) Note. This is the residual locus for invisible radiant energy signalling (i.e., detecting) means. For such means producing electric signals, see the search notes below.
(2) Note. The subject matter of this subclass and the subclasses indented hereunder, even though they produce no electric signal, may be electrically energized.
(3) Note. The radiation incident upon the means may cause a physical, structural or chemical change or a change in the energy content of the electrons of atoms making up the means.
(4) Note. The response of the means of this subclass may be inherently visible or it may be latent, i.e., require development to make it visible.
200+, for visible radiant energy responsive electric signalling devices (photocells) circuits and apparatus, not combined with means to convert invisible to visible radiant energy. 316.1+, and 327.2, for various recording type nonelectric signalling means in combination with sources.
330+, for nonelectric signalling means used to convert infrared images into visible images.
336.1+, for electric signalling invisible radiation responsive devices, especially subclasses 337 and 361+ for luminophors in combination with electric signal producing photocells.
378, X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices,
167+, and 189+ for X-ray responsive nonelectric signalling with detector support.