(under subclass 369) Subject matter provided with a second hook either in the form of a wire or rod section, one end of which is curved or sharply bent, or an element having a J-shaped configuration utilized as a hook.
(1) Note. To be proper in this and indented subclasses, the combined hooks must be the type that, in addition to being composed of plural elements, the hooks are different in configuration or composition, e.g., in length, cross-sectional dimension, etc; otherwise the document is properly classified in subclasses 230.5+ and discretionarily cross-referenced to this and indented subclasses.
165, Heat Exchange,
98, for adjustable radiator covering means utilizing plural hook structures.
182, Fire Escape, Ladder, or Scaffold,
206, for ladders provided with hook structure. 267, Spring Devices,
73, for tension springs provided with plural hook structures.
292, Closure Fasteners,
288, for portable closure fasteners provided with plural hook structure.
294, Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements,
87.1+, for multiple object grapples in the form of plural hook structures.