.~ Responsive to position of work support or anvil
Classification: 227/4
(under subclass 2) Device comprising a movable anvil* and/or movable means adapted to hold work at a driving-station*, and wherein the detector is arranged to sense the presence or absence of said anvil or said work-holding means at a given location.
(1) Note. An element positioned adjacent a surface which supports work, which element presents an obstacle to movement of the work in a desired direction, is not means to hold work but a work-stop abutment. If this element acts as a detector for the work, patents claiming such element will be placed in subclasses 5+.
72, Metal Deforming,
10.1+, 13.4+, 17.1, 17.2, and 20.1+ for control means responsive to position of a tool (e.g., anvil) or tool-linked part.
228, Metal Fusion Bonding, 12, for control means responsive to position of a work holder in a fusion bonding machine.