(under subclass 196) Dispensers adapted to be supported in the hand and shaken to cause material to move through the outlet and having an inertia-operated movable part associated with the supply container for shifting movement when the container is shaken, whereby jarring results from the impact of the inertia operated member on the material or container and the material is loosened, shifted, dragged or impelled through the outlet.
(1) Note. See class definition, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Hand Manipulable Shakers.
(2) Note. The movable element may be a discharge controller or closure, or a discharge assistant, the latter term including devices analogous to agitators or grinding bodies but not falling within the definitions of Classes 241 and
366. Mere motion of the material as a result of shaking is not considered a jarring element.
(3) Note. Since many manually movable elements are capable of shifting by inertia on movement of the dispenser, only those designed and constructed solely for this mode of operation and having no manual actuating means in connection with the movable element have been placed here.
(4) Note. Discharge assistants of the movable trap chamber type and stationary trap type dispensers have not been included, since the presence of the measuring function is inconsistent with the mode of operation characteristic of this group.
SEE OR SEARCH THIS CLASS, SUBCLASS: 251, for members mounted in a stationary supply container to move only when shifting of the material displaces them, the shifting of the material being caused by dispensing.
404, 415, for conveying type discharge assistants having manually operated actuators. See (2) Note.
454+, for tiltable containers having traps which may have inertia-operated valves. (See (4) Note).
476, for dispensers which have spaced discharge controllers alternately seated in a single outlet of a container which is not a hand manipulable shaker.
500, for gravity or inertia-operated outlet elements for dispensers other than hand manipulable shakers. See class definition, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Hand Manipuable Shakers.
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration,
86+, for comminuting devices comprising a rotary comminuting element cooperating with a perforated stationary surface, and subclass 168, for hand support comminutors, characterized by positive manual operation of crushing mechanism or by a loose grinding body type of comminuting element. See (2) Note.
366, Agitating,
129+, for hand manipulable shaker type agitators. See (2) Note above, and see Class 366, class definition, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, in the class definition for the line.