.~ Combined with container, enclosure, or support for material to be heated {12}
.~.~ Revolving enclosure
Classification: 219/389
(under subclass 385) Subject matter including means whereby the container or enclosure is adapted to be rotated about an axis. The container along with the heated material may be made to rotate about or around a fixed heating means or the heating means may be so fixed to the rotating container as to rotate therewith as a unit.
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids,
108+, for rotary drums or receptacles combined with drying means.
366, Agitating,
7, and 22+ for process and apparatus for heating and mixing mortar, and subclass 146 for nominal electric heating with an agitator of general utility. 494, Imperforate Bowl: Centrifugal Separators,
13+, for a separator of that class provided with heat exchange means.