.~.~ Hair heaters

Current as of: June, 1999
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221  DF  .~ Tool or instrument {2}
222.~.~ Hair heaters {4}
223  DF  .~.~.~> Singeing apparatus
224  DF  .~.~.~> Electrolytic
225  DF  .~.~.~> With heated clamp means (e.g., hand-held)
226  DF  .~.~.~> With heated casing


Classification: 219/222

(under subclass 221) Subject matter wherein the tools or instruments under the definition of ... are for hair heating, treating or curling purposes, are formed into systems which utilize a plurality of tools or instruments for heating, treating or curling the hair with or without voltage or current control of the system, or wherein the tools, instruments or the system have manual or automatic connection

and/or disconnection devices.

(1) Note. If in the claim the hair is included in the electrical circuit of the tool, instrument or the system, or the hair somehow is held or contained by the tool or instrument, the claim is properly classified in Class 132, Toilet. See Class 132, subclass 7 for all hair treating methods involving the hair on the scalp and subclasses 31+ for crimpers or curlers having crimping jaws, winding forms or mandrels which include rotating means and hair clamping jaws.

(2) Note. Included in this subclass are instruments to produce a vapor which will contact the hair for hair treating purposes.


156, for means for electrically heating metal rods or bars.

271+, for vaporizer means where the vapor is not used specifically for heat transfer or for hair heating, treating or curling purposes. 284+, for electrolytic liquid heaters where the liquid to be heated forms part of the electric heating circuit.

520+, for housings, casing, and support means for heating units which include means to hold or support the material to be heated, flexible casings, housings specially formed or adapted to fit the material to be heated, and hinged or separable compartments.


15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,

160, and 504 for brushes with heating means.

30, Cutlery, for hand held cutlery implements for cutting hair, particularly

195+, for hair shears and thinners. See the notes under subclass 223 of this class.

34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids,

283, for processes for drying human hair while on the head and subclasses 96+ for apparatus for drying the hair on the head which includes structure to adapt the apparatus to the head of a person.

132, Toilet,

7, for methods of treating the hair on the scalp which includes cutting, softening or straightening and subclass 118 for heated combs or combs combined with additional features. 604, Surgery,

23, for applying gas to the body; and subclass 291 for heating or cooling material applied to or removed from the skin.

607, Surgery: Light, Thermal, and Electrical Application,

79, for brushes and combs for thermal applications.