.~ Including geographic feature (e.g., drainage ditch, septic, pond)
Classification: 210/747
Including geos:graphic feature:
(under subclass 600) Process in which a relationship to or a feature of the terrain is positively recited, other than mere discharge to the earth or to a body of water.
(1) Note. While septic tanks are normally found to be underground, the term septic tank is not considered a geos:graphic feature.
(2) Note. While discharge to the ground is not a geos:graphic feature, discharge at a specified depth or in a particular strata or formation, or in a particular location in a body of water is considered a geos:graphic feature.
(3) Note. Included in this subclass is in situ purging of flowing or still liquid (e.g., drainage ditch, septic system, pond) wherein the method of separating or purifying has (a) at least part of a system installed on natural or modified terrain to convey rain, snow melt, a river, sewage, well water or oil, etc. or (b) a relationship to a particular nonland geos:graphic feature, such as a lake, ocean, sea, etc.
405, Hydraulic and Earth Engineering,
36+, for drainage devices and 52+ for fluid control or inhibiting the formation of, containing the spread of, or settling an undesirable floatable or suspended material in a body of water (i.e., treatment).