This is the primary class for patents directed to treating water or waste liquid, and when not more specifically provided for, the class for patents directed to treating liquids in general or of any kind and provides (1) process and apparatus for (a) separating a component from (b) purifying or (c) effecting a change in water or waste liquid, such process or apparatus not being more specifically provided for in another class; (2) process of treating liquids in general and treating liquid compositions of either general or diverse utilities; (3) apparatus not provided for in other classes, for performing the foregoing processes and treating liquids of any kind; (4) filter materials or compositions peculiar to the above-mentioned processes; and (5) Processes for purification of liquids containing hazardous or toxic waste to produce a nonhazardous or nontoxic product.
1. Placement of Patents
a. A claim directed to the production, regeneration, or purification of a particular compound or composition (including) solutions in water is classified with the particular compound or composition. The classes providing for these compounds or compositions are set out in section III, B, 2.
A claim directed to purification or separation of water or of liquids in general with disclosure of several species each differently classifiable is classified in this class (210).
b. In classifying a claim to a combined process in which a liquid (e.g., sewage, etc.) is treated, and a useful by-product, energy or treatment is also recovered or achieved, placement is in Class 210 where the primary purpose is liquid treatment and the by-product, energy or other treatment is incidental. Placement is in the other pertinent
class if the liquid treatment is incidental to the other process. If it cannot be determined which is the primary purpose of the combined process, placement is in the appropriate chemical class(es) when a chemical by-product is recovered and in this class (210) in all other instances. Since the identical combined process may be placed as an original in either of two classes, based on intent of the inventor, a cross-reference copy should be placed in the other class involved.
See section II, A, 2 infra, for exceptions to the general rule here stated.
2.. Specific Exceptions.
a. Class 95, Gas Separation: Processes, will take a process including a liquid separation step in a Class 95 operation (e.g., regenerating a scrubbing liquid in a gas scrubbing operation, etc.).
b. A purely physical separation, e.g., filtering, specifically directed to mineral oil, is classified in this class (210), subclasses 767+.
c. A claim to a process of drying a flowable slurry or mass by physical separation, e.g., centrifuging without a step or means of contacting with a gas, is in this class (210) rather than Class 34. See line note to Class 210 in (3) Note to Class 34 definition.
d. Some classes which provide for compositions which may be used in a Class 210 process may also take a claim to a mere use of such composition. These classes include 424 and 521 and the line notes in section II, C set out the conditions which govern placement of patents in these circumstances.
e. The rehabilitation or regeneration of a filter medium, in situ is classified in this class (210), subclasses 791+, rather than in Class 134, Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids.
f. Separating liquids by direct application of electrolysis or electric force to the liquid, alone or combined with a step provided for in subclasses 767+, is classified in Class 204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy.
1. Classes Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids.
References to Other Classes, below, contains classes pertaining to the following specific unit operation treatment of liquids. Analyzing:
Crystal Forming, Single;
Drinking Storage; Electrolysis;
Separating, Centrifugally; Softening;
Sprinkling, Spraying, Diffusing;
2. Classes Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid.
References to Other Classes, below, contains classes pertaining to the following treatment of a specific liquid.
Black Liquor;
Cleaning Fluid; Colloids;
Culture Broth;
Fuel; Ink;
3. Classes Having Liquid Treating Apparatus.
References to Other Classes, below, contains classes having liquid treating apparatus in the following art areas.
Carbureting; Cooling;
Crystal Forming, Single;
Gas Contact;
Heat Exchange;
Oil Refining;
Packing; Preserving;
Reaction (Chemical);
Reaction, Physical;
8, Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers, appropriate subclasses for a purification process claimed or solely disclosed for a dye composition.
8, Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment and Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Dye)
15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning, appropriate subclasses for apparatus which may remove a liquid from a solid by means provided for in that class (15), particularly
1.7, for submerged cleaners; and subclass 246.5 for tank cleaners.
19, Textiles: Fiber Preparation, appropriate subclasses which may involve the manufacture of a filter element, particularly
144+, for the bringing together of fibers with relation to each other to form a coherent mass. 23, Chemistry: Physical Processes,
293+, for a physical purification process claimed or solely disclosed for an inorganic compound or nonmetallic element (or solution with no art use).
23, Chemistry: Physical Processes,
230+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Testing)
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids, appropriate subclasses. See the note to the class definition of Class 34 for the line with Class 210.
44, Fuel and Related Compositions, especially
300+, for a purification process claimed or solely disclosed for liquid fuel.
44, Fuel and Related Compositions. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Oil)
44, Fuel and Related Compositions. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Fuel)
51, Abrasive Tool Making Process, Material, or Composition, for a purification process claimed or solely disclosed for an abrading composition.
53, Package Making. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Packing)
53, Package Making. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Preserving) 53, Package Making. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Storage)
62, Refrigeration. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Condensign)
62, Refrigeration,
600+, for a separating or purification process for liquified gas.
62, Refrigeration,
66+, and 532+. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Crystallization)
62, Refrigeration, especially
56+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Freezing)
62, Refrigeration. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Refrigerating)
62, Refrigeration. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Cooling)
68, Textiles: Fluid Treating Apparatus, 1, and 18 for means to reclaim and revise a solvent combined with a laundry machine.
71, Chemistry: Fertilizers. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Fertilizer)
71, Chemistry: Fertilizers, appropriate subclasses for fertilizer producing processes including more than mere treatment of sewage or waste liquids for this class (210); and for a purification process claimed or solely disclosed for a fertilizer composition.
73, Measuring and Testing, especially
32+, 53+, 149, 170.29+, 861+, 290+, Dig. 5+, and Dig. 8. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Testing)
75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, appropriate subclasses for a separating or purification process that produces a metal; and especially
2, for beneficiating ores by chemical treatment and flotation; and subclasses 97+ for hydrometallurgical processes, particularly subclasses 101+ for chemical leaching.
95, Gas Separation: Processes, for processes involving steps resulting in separation of a gas from a fluid mixture comprising (a) a gas and solid or liquid particles entrained therein, (b) a liquid and gas entrained therein, or (c) a plurality of gases. Class 210 is superior to Class 95 and takes separating processes, per se, generically disclosed or claimed as fluid separation or if the disclosure or a claim is restricted to liquid separation. Class 210 also takes processes which remove or vent gas formed incidentally to the handling of the fluid mixture or as a result of a Class 210 treatment (see particularly
603, 640, 664, 718, and 750). However, Class 95 takes processes operating to remove gas initially present in an inflowing liquid mixture, with or without liquid separation. The removal of a volatile organic compound (e.g., ethanol (C2H5OH), gasoline, etc.) from a liquid is not taken to be degasification of a liquid for Class 95 when the volatile
organic compound is initially present as a liquid mixed with another liquid. The removal of a volatile organic compound from a liquid may be found in Class 210 for liquid purification or separation or Class 203 for separatory distillation processes. Class 95 will also take a process including a liquid separation step in a Class 95 operation (e.g., regenerating a scrubbing liquid in a gas scrubbing operation).
95, Gas Separation: Processes, especially
241+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Degassing) 96, Gas Separation: Apparatus, especially
155+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Degassing)
96, Gas Separation: Apparatus, for apparatus used in separation of a gas from a fluid mixture comprising (a) a gas and solid or liquid particles entrained therein, (b) a liquid and gas entrained therein, or (c) a plurality of gases. Class 210 is superior to Class 96 and takes separating apparatus, per se, generically disclosed or claimed for use in fluid separation or if the disclosure or a claim is restricted to liquid separation apparatus. Class 210 also takes apparatus which removes or vents gas formed incidentally to the handling of the fluid mixture or as a result of a Class 210 treatment (see particularly
120, 180, 188, 218, 406, and 436). However, Class 96 takes apparatus operating to remove gas initially present in an inflowing liquid mixture, with or without liquid separation. Apparatus for the removal of a volatile organic compound (e.g., ethanol (C2H5OH), gasoline, etc.) from a liquid is not taken to be apparatus for the degasification of a liquid for Class 96 when the volatile organic compound is initially present as a liquid mixed with another liquid. Apparatus for the removal of a volatile organic compound from a liquid may be found in Class 210 for liquid purification or separation or Class 202 for separatory distillation. Class 96 will also take apparatus including a liquid separation means in a Class 96, Gas Separation: Apparatus (e.g., means to regenerate a scrubbing liquid in a gas scrubbing apparatus, etc.).
99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for apparatus of the type classified in this class (210) when combined with other food or beverage preparation means; and
457+, and 495+ for separation apparatus wherein a liquid is separated.
100, Presses,
37, for process of separation of liquid from expressed
material; and subclasses 104+ for presses having drain means for expressed liquids, and see the reference to Class 210 in the class definition for the general line.
106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic, appropriate subclasses for a purification or regeneration by separation process which is claimed or solely disclosed for a composition or ingredient of that class.
106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic,
31.13+,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Ink) 106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Paints
110, Furnaces. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Burning)
117, Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Crystal Forming, Single)
117, Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Single Crystal Forming)
122, Liquid Heaters and Vaporizers, appropriate subclasses for conversion of liquid to vapor by application of heat.
122, Liquid Heaters and Vaporizers. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Heating)
126, Stoves and Furnaces, appropriate subclasses for liquid heaters, particularly
344+, for water heaters.
127, Sugar, Starch, and Carbohydrates, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus peculiar to the treatment of such materials.
128, Surgery, appropriate subclasses for a process of or apparatus for purifying or separating the fluid (e.g., blood) of a living animal body, combined with a claimed specifically detailed step or means of removing or returning the fluid from or to the body. A method of treating the fluid including a nominally recital step of or means for removing or returning the fluid from or to a patient will be placed in this class (210). Similarly, a process of or apparatus for purifying or separating such a fluid combined with a step of or means for monitoring a condition of the body to control the purifying or separating will be placed in Class 128, Surgery. Terms as "withdrawing", "injecting", and "needle", are considered nominal while withdrawing from a named artery
or vein or structurally defining a needle are considered specific detail.
134, Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids, and see Note (4) of the definition of that class for the line with Class 210. 137, Fluid Handling. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Handling)
137, Fluid Handling, appropriate subclasses for fluid handling generally, particularly
1+, for processes; and subclasses 98+ for proportional flow systems, as chemical feeders.
137, Fluid Handling,
1+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Transporting)
137, Fluid Handling,
1+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Handling)
141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Dispensing)
141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Handling)
141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Dispensing)
159, Concentrating Evaporators,
47.1+, (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Evaporating) 159, Concentrating Evaporators. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Evaporating)
162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Black Liquor)
162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for making paper by depositing fibers from a slurry on a foraminous screen. Where the screening step is for the purpose of dewatering the slurry and a formless mass of fibers is produced rather than a felted product, the patent is classified in Class 210. Where there is a disclosure of a felted self-sustaining product being produced by the dewatering step or means are
provided to remove the product intact from the mold, the patent is classified in Class 162.
165, Heat Exchange. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--
165, Heat Exchange. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Refrigerating)
165, Heat Exchange. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Condensign)
165, Heat Exchange. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Heating)
165, Heat Exchange. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Cooling)
166, Wells,
265+, for well processes involving separation of fluids leaving the well, appropriate subclasses for corresponding well apparatus; subclasses 311+ and subclasses there noted for processes of cleaning wells, and appropriate subclasses for corresponding apparatus; subclasses 227+ and subclasses there noted for well screens; and see subclass 227 for the line between Classes 210 and 166 as to screens.
196, Mineral Oils: Apparatus. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Oil Refining) 196, Mineral Oils: Apparatus, for apparatus peculiar to mineral oil treatment other than by mere manipulative treatment for this class (210), particularly
14.5, for dewaxing apparatus; and subclass 46.1 for refining apparatus including a filter in combination.
202, Distillation: Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for distillation apparatus with or without separation means of the type classified in Class 210.
202, Distillation: Apparatus. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Distilling)
203, Distillation: Processes, Separatory,
28+, and 39+ for a liquid distillation process including a chemical treating step or a disparate physical separating step not otherwise provided for.
203, Distillation: Processes, Separatory. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Distlling)
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, for the separation or purification of a liquid solely by the application of an electrical force directly to the liquid or
when combined with a separation step classifiable in
767+, of Class 210. Exemplary is electro-osmosis with or without filtration or electrophoresis with or without gravitational setting. A Class 204 step combined with a Class 210 process provided for higher in the schedule than subclasses 767+ is classifiable in Class 210. Such combinations are exemplified by aerobic digestion plus electrolysis, sorption plus electro-osmosis, precipitation plus electrophoresis, etc.
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, for an electrolytic process which may include a preparatory liquid purification step for the process and for a process of regenerating or rehabilitating an electrolyte composition used or intended to be used for electrolysis as designated for Class 205. A Class 204 step combined with a Class 210 process provided for higher in the schedule than
767+, is classifiable in Class 210. Such combinations are exemplified by aerobic digestion plus electrolysis, sorption plus electroosmosis, precipitation plus electrophoresis, etc. Class 204 also takes an electrolytic process which may include a preparatory liquid purification step for the process. Class 204 further provides for a process of regenerating or rehabilitating an electrolyte composition of that class (204). 205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, appropriate subclasses for a process involving electrolysis and for a composition intended for use in such a process (e.g., electrolyte, etc.). See section III of the Class 204 definition for an elaboration of the class line between Class 204 (which encompasses Class 205) and Class 210. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid)
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, appropriate subclasses for a process involving electrolysis. See section III of the Class 204 definition for an elaboration of the class line between Class 204 (which encompasses Class 205) and Class 210. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Electrolysis)
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, appropriate subclasses for a process involving electrolysis, especially
775+, for electrolytic analysis or testing. See section III of the Class 204 definition for an elaboration of the class line between Class 204 (which encompasses Class 205) and Class 210. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Testing)
208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products, for a purification
or separation claimed as solely disclosed for mineral oil and which is not purely a physical operation as provided for in
767+, of this class (210). Class 210, in subclasses 767+ provides for merely physically separating a mineral oil as by filtering, settling decanting, etc. Class 208 provides for chemical, including sorption and solvent, processes for purifying or separating a mineral oil.
208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Lubricants)
208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Oil)
208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Fuel)
209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids, appropriate subclasses, and see the reference to Class 210 under (3) Note of the class definition of Class 209 for the general line.
219, Electric Heating. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Heating) 222, Dispensing. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Dispensing)
222, Dispensing. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Dispensing)
239, Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing, appropriate subclasses for separating means incidental or ancillary to handling a fluid to be sprinkled or sprayed, especially
86, 462, 553+, 575, and 590+ for nozzle structures in which filtering means are present or are inherent in the nozzle.
239, Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Handling)
239, Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing,
1+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Sprinkling, Spraying, Diffusing)
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration,
24, and 68+ for the comminution of solids combined with the separation of liquid therefrom. See section 8 of the class definition of Class 241 for the line with Class 210.
250, Radiant Energy. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Sterilizing)
175+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Softening)
252, Compositions,
380+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Preserving)
252, Compositions, appropriate subclasses for a purification or separation claimed or solely disclosed for a composition classifiable in that class, and search
61, and 175+ for a composition which may be used in a liquid purification or separation process of this class. Class 252 provides for a purification or separation process specific to a single type of composition by claim or by sole disclosure. Class 210 provides for a purification or separation process generic to several types of compositions, all of which may be classified in Class 252 (e.g., perfumes and denaturants; detergents; fire extinguishing and heat exchange materials). Class 252 provides for certain compositions for use in Class 210 processes and for a process, per se, of regenerating or rehabilitating them. The use of these compositions in a liquid purification or separation, per se, or combined with regenerating them is provided for in Class 210.
252, Compositions,
71+,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Coolant)
252, Compositions, various subclasses based on function of emulsion. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Emulsifying)
260, Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, appropriate subclasses for such compounds and related compound producing or treating processes, particularly
704+, for general physical treatment processes peculiar to carbon compounds, and see the references to Class 210 in the class definition. 261, Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus,
2+, for separating means combined with apparatus to produce an intimate contact between gases and liquids to exchange properties or mutually modify conditions.
261, Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus. (Class Having Liquid
Treating Apparatus--Gas Contact)
261, Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Carbureting)
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, appropriate subclasses for processes for shaping or molding plastic materials within the class definition, which may involve the manufacture or use of fiber elements or separators, or porous articles, per se.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, especially
29+, 71+, 204, 425+, and 459+. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Testing)
335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Magnetizing)
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Magnetizing)
366, Agitating. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Mixing)
366, Agitating, 2+, and 348. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Mixing)
399, Electrophotography,
250, for liquid carrier condensation of liquid developer material within an electrophotos:graphic device.
406, Conveyors: Fluid Current, especially
168+, and 197 for transporting a solid by suspending it in a fluid and separating the solid from the liquid after transporting.
406, Conveyors: Fluent Current. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Transporting)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing, for a process of treating water to prevent corrosion of a conduit or a container and for chemical apparatus of general utility.
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
243+, .. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Reaction, Physical)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Preserving)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing, 129+, .. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Reaction (Chemical))
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
245.1+, for non-coating means not including means for chemical reaction and not provided for elsewhere. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Crystallizer
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
13, and 14+. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Softening)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
1+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Preserving)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Storage)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
1, 43. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Disinfecting)
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
1+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Sterilizing) 422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
50+,. (Class Having Liquid Treating Apparatus--Analysis)
423, Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds, appropriate subclasses for chemical manufacturing involving a chemical reaction and for extracting, leaching, or dissolving not elsewhere provided for.
423, Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Inorganic)
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Drug)
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Preserving)
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Disinfecting)
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions, especially
661+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Chlorinating)
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions,
56+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Fluoridating) 424, and 514, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions, especially Class 424,
127+, and Class 514, subclasses 1+. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Sterilizing)
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Medicine)
426, Food or Edible Material Processes, Compositions, and Products. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Beverage)
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Storage)
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products, appropriate subclasses for (a) process of the type classified in this class (210) when combined with other food working operations, or (b) a process of the type classified in this class (210), which process is limited to treatment of a food or edible material except water.
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Food)
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products,
66+,. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Drinkign Storage)
429, Chemistry: Electrical Current Producing Apparatus, Product and Process, especially
30+, 101+, and 188+. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid) 430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Emulsion)
430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Photos:graphic)
431, Combustion. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Burning)
432, Heating. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Heating)
435, Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Culture Broth)
436, Chemistry: Analytical and Immunological Testing,
1+, and 129.2+. (Classes Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Analyzing)
494, Imperforate Bowl: Centrifugal Separators, appropriate subclasses, for apparatus and process for breaking up a mixture of fluids or fluent substances into two or more components by centrifuging within a generally solid-walled, receptacle-like member.
494, Imperforate Bowl: Centrifugal Separators. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Centrifugally separating)
502, Catalyst, Solid Sorbent, or Support Therefor: Product or Process of Making, for a composition comprising a catalyst or sorbent, per se.
504, Plant Protecting and Regulating Compositions,
150+, for compositions designed or intended for retarding, inhibiting, or killing algae and the processes of using such compositions or compounds which are no more than the mere application of the compounds or the compositions. 508, Solid Antifriction Devices, Materials Therefor, Lubricants or Separants for Moving Solid Surfaces, and Miscellaneous Mineral Oil Compositions, particularly
110+,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Lubricants)
Lubricants or Separants for Moving Solid Surfaces, and Miscellaneous Mineral Oil Compositions, particularly
110+,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Oil)
510, Cleaning Compositions for Solid Surfaces, Auxiliary Compositions Therefor, or Processes of Preparing the Compositions. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid Detergent)
510, Cleaning Compositions for Solid Surfaces, Auxiliary Compositions Therefor, or Processes of Preparing the Compositions, appropriate subclasses, especially
285+, 405+, etc. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Cleaning Fluid)
514, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions, especially
939+,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Emulsion)
516, Colloid Systems and Wetting Agents; Subcombinations Thereof; Processes of Making, Stabilizing, Breaking, or Inhibiting, appropriate subclasses for subject matter relating to: colloid systems (such as sols*, emulsions, dispersions, foams, aerosols, smokes, gels, or pastes) or wetting agents (such as leveling, penetrating, or spreading); subcombination compositions of colloid systems containing at least an agent specialized and designed for or peculiar to use in making or stabilizing colloid systems; compositions and subcombination compositions specialized and designed for or peculiar to use in breaking (resolving) or inhibiting colloid systems; processes of making the compositions or systems of the class; processes of breaking (resolving) or inhibiting colloid systems; in each instance, when generically claimed or when there is no hierarchically superior provision in the USPC for the specifically claimed art. Class 516 is the locus for the breaking of colloid systems generically claimed and provides for (a) the separation or purification of liquids, generally claimed, when performed by a Class 516 process, such as by breaking an emulsion, dispersion, or foam, and for such processes further including ancillary steps, such as, decanting, or passing through a separatory funnel, etc., or (b) processes in which recovery is intended of both water and another product. Class 210 provides for (a) processes which include a step of colloid system resolution of liquids, generally claimed, when combined with a step of separation of a diverse component, unless that step is also a Class 516 step (i.e., multiple Class 516 steps are proper for placement in Class 516), or (b) a step of colloid system breaking, per se, for the purpose of obtaining water, wherein the water may be intended for use or intended to be made suitable for disposal, thus, decontaminating of sewage waste water to be dumped into the ocean using an emulsion breaking step is proper for Class
210. (Class Providing A Specific Unit Operation Treatment Of Liquids--Emulsifying) (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid Colloids) (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid Emulsion) 520, Series, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Paints)
520, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers, particularly Classes 523 and 524. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Emulsion)
554, Organic Compounds,
1+,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Fats)
585, Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Compounds,
14,. (Class Providing Treatment Of A Specific Liquid--Fuel)
588, Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction or Containment, appropriate subclasses for separation prior to destruction wherein no desired product is removed.
The meaning to be given various "Art" terms appearing in this class, but which have not been included in the GLOSSARY below, is the same as that generally accepted or in common usage.
ACCELERATOR Agent which promotes an action, but does not necessarily cause the action. An example is a catalyst as contrasted with a reactant. In subclasses 696+ and 702+ no distinction is made between an agent which promotes or one which causes and a search for a compound used as a flocculant is the same as if the compound reacted to cause precipitation.
Common term for an aerobic process of treating sewage with micro-organisms in which part of the settled sludge from the treatment is diverted and introduced into the feed of incoming sewage.
An agent added to a liquid being treated to either cause a desired result or to promote a result which would occur more slowly or incompletely without the additive. Catalysts filter aids, chemical agents, seeding agents, buffers are all
Treating liquids, generally sewage, with micro-organisms in the presence of oxygen generally supplied as air or other source of oxygen but sometimes using residual dissolved oxygen. Best known method is "activated sludge". The micro-organisms convert noxious materials to less noxious stuff, e.g., to water, methane, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide.
Any material capable of inhibiting or destroying algal growth. ANAEROBIC
Treating liquids, generally sewage by micro-organisms which change noxious stuff to innocuous materials, in the absence of oxygen. Some solids are made into water and gases as methane, carbon monoxide, etc. A septic tank is an example of anaerobic digestion of sewage.
A unit of length used to measure wavelength of lights and diameters of atoms or molecules.
Designated by A and equal to 10[supscrpt]-8[end supscrpt]cm.
A liquid containing water. Generally water is the major part as in blood, brine, milk, etc., but may comprise a substantial but not major portion as in a water-alcohol mixture of various proportions. Usually trace amounts of water are not considered aqueous.
Any material capable of inhibiting or destroying bacteria.
Somewhat salty, but substantially less so than sea water.
BRINE A relatively concentrated salt water solution sometimes from wells or industrial sources and including sea water.
A process or means in which a liquid is revolved about an axis at such a number of revolutions per unit of time that the apparent weight of constituents increases to a point where the constituents tend to concentrate in strata similar to gravity-induced separation based on relative densities.
A process in which a liquid is flowed along a linear path comprising a sorbent, with which the liquid competes in affinity for a constituent of the liquid. The constituent is sorbed from the moving liquid by the relatively immobile sorbent and redissolved by a later passing portion of the liquid until an equilibrium of the sorbing-dissolving step is set up causing the constituent to concentrate in a specific volume of the sorbent and to move along the path of the liquid at a slower rate than such liquid.
A comprehensive treatise on chromatography is to be found in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 2nd ed. Vol. 5, pp. 413-450.
The merging together of small droplets or particles of a material or constituent dispersed in a liquid to form larger bodies of the material or constituent which may be more easily handled.
A state of very fine division of a material dispersed throughout a liquid almost to the point of a true solution and either impossible or extremely difficult to filter or cause to settle.
CONDUCTIVITY WATER An extremely pure water characterized by high ohmic resistance due to very low rate of ionization. See POLISHING.
A device using centrifugal force to separate. The process is called cyclonic; see centrifuge.
The process of removing inorganic salts, most usually sodium chloride, from water.
A process of separating a dissolved constituent from a liquid by transport or migration from the liquid through a membrane into a second liquid. The membrane may be semipermeable or the second liquid may have greater affinity for the constituent but the net effect of the combined membrane-extracting liquid is to selectively remove a constituent from the first liquid. The process is provided for in subclasses 644+. An in-depth explanation is given in Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 2nd ed. Vol. 7, pp. 1-20. Dialysate is the product of a dialysis method and the term is not always used for the same product, including retentate and diffusate.
The material passed through in a diffusing process. DIFFUSE
The passing of a constituent through a membrane or septum.
Process in which material is acted upon by micro-organisms to cause a chemical change. The composting of sludge is a digestion process.
A mixture of a liquid with an insoluble material in very fine subdivision almost but not quite a true solution.
The liquids flowing out of a process, normally the mainstream, can be either a desired product or discard.
The liquid to be treated, prior to processing.
Method of and apparatus for removing solid particles from a liquid by passing the same through a medium with openings smaller than the particles. Microfiltration is filtration down to coolidal and polymeric molecular size. Ultrafiltration and hyperfiltration are more likely transport or diffusion across a membrane process but are called filtration down to molecular and ionic size. See subclasses 650 and 652. FILTER ELEMENT
Filter medium combined with supporting structure or having a specified shape.
Solid separating material or member for separating a constituent from the prefilt due to openings between material particles or in the member.
Liquid which has been clarified by passing it through a filter medium.
The separation of solids from a liquid or a liquid from liquids by a solid separating medium due to openings in the medium or between discrete particles.
Flocculated clumps of suspended or dispersed small particles resulting from accretion and used as sites for further accretion of suspended matter. See subclass 715.
FLOCCULATION A clumping together of finely divided particles of material dispersed in a liquid to a state where filtration or settling of the material is possible. See subclasses 702+.
Material that flows, generally gas or liquid but sometimes including mixtures of these with particulate solids such as slurry, sludge, gels, etc. Some materials are thixatropic, i.e., fluid when agitated but jellylike when at rest. Pumpable sludge is considered a liquid for treatment in this class.
The act of depositing on the membrane surface something which will impede its proper functioning. Sometimes also termed "blinding".
A colloidal dispersion of a solid in a liquid with a jellylike texture. Use of a gel in chromatography is in subclass 635, and separating the constituents of a gel are in subclass 702.
A separation process depending on differences in density to
separate freely movable constituents such as cream rising to the top of the milk. Draining or allowing a liquid to drip from solids held by a screen or grid is not gravity separation.
Water attractive or wettable. HYDROPHOBIC
Water-repellent or nonwettable.
Filtration to the ultimate degree to molecular or ionic size, but most likely membrane transport or diffusion phenomenon. See FILTER and subclass 652.
A two-story septic tank of special design to allow digestion of sludge in lower chamber with settling in upper chamber and passage of settled sludge from upper to lower chamber. Process is anaerobic and provided for in subclasses 602+.
Stuff that does not cause or promote any change in liquid or component being treated. May act as filler, support, or carrier for active material. See subclass 679.
A flowable material comprising at least one component that is a true liquid under the conditions of treatment. A slurry, wet sludge, pumpable sediment, emulsion, froth, all are considered liquid for treatment in this class.
The main body of liquid being treated as constrasted with separated constituents. The mainstream may comprise several divided streams, some of which undergo treatment and which are a substantial part of the overall feed but a relatively small stream diverted for a dosing technique in which agents are added in a concentrated amount and the diverted stream is diluted with the main body is not considered to be the mainstream, per se. A recirculated portion of the stream is not considered to be the mainstream. MEMBRANE
A skinlike thin film which acts as a barrier or container wall; the usual form of a permeable or semipermeable septum. A semipermeable membrane is a skinlike, relatively thin film which serves to define a barrier or container wall to at
least one of the constituents of a solution or colloidal suspension and allows at least one other constituent to pass through by a mechanism which may include but goes beyond mere straining and which mechanism is in part due to differences in behavior of the constituents of the solution or suspension with respect to the material of the membrane. The constituents vary in their ability to diffuse through or to wet the membrane.
Membranelike includes mambrane, per se, and material which, while not strictly in a self-supporting skinlike structure, functions in an analogous manner and includes a layer of fine particulate matter or an emulsion as set out in subclass 643.
A process which depends only on the relative size of pores and molecules or ions of a constituent is a filtering or straining process and is classified under separation, subclass 767.
A linear measurement equal to one millionth of a meter, one thousandth of a mm, 39 millionths of an inch.
Living plants or animals of a size normally visible only through a microscope and includes bacteria, yeast, fungi, and virus. For purposes of this class, algae are not considered micro-organisms. The scope of this term is coextensive with the organisms of Class 435, Molecular Biology and Microbiology.
MOLECULAR SIEVE A sorbent with an extremely large volume of pores, each of about molecular size, capable of selectively sorbing gases and other material in molecular form; generally of Zeolite.
Organic material of slick or slippery feel including long chain hydrocarbons esters of higher fatty acid and derived from petroleum, fats, greases, and oils of animal or vegetable origin.
Oil attractive or wettable by oil.
Oil repelling.
Phenomenon in which solvent migrates or is transported across a barrier from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution separated by the barrier tending to equalize the concentrations. The force driving the solvent is dependent on the materials of the liquids and the barrier or septum, and a counter force of greater magnitude will effect reverse migration or reverse osmosis causing solvent to migrate from the more concentrated to the less concentrated solution. A comprehensive treatise on osmosis and reverse osmosis is given in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 2nd ed. Vol. 14, pp. 345-355.
An agent which extracts electrons from a chemical moiety and increases its positive or decreases its negative valence. Often an oxygen or halogen containing material. PERMEABLE
Property of allowing passage or migration of other material through a barrier or septum of the material so designated. The migration phenomenon is due primarily to the chemical nature of the materials involved and may include molecular weight or size as a factor.
Material which has passed through a permeable or semipermeable membrane.
The measure of the acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of a liquid. Also determines the sweetness or sourness of a liquid. The original value was the log of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration.
An ion exchange process in which the ions released to the liquid are only H[supscrpt]+[end supscrpt] and OH[supscrpt]-[end supscrpt]. A method of achieving very pure water. See CONDUCTIVITY WATER.
Material to be filtered, also known as feed, influent, intake.
Material retained by membrane, septum, filter, settling tank, etc.
Material held back by membrane or filter, not allowed to migrate or pass through.
Permeable to only some of materials which may be in intimate association as in a solution. Usually applied to membrane, see MEMBRANE.
Concentrate of settled colloidal suspension with a mushy or mud texture, a gel with up to more than 90 percent usually water) but quite viscous. It may contain indiscriminate solids as grits, fiber, wood chip, and emulsions. While still wet, treatment is proper for this class, but the same material when completely dry may be referred to as sludge. See ACTIVATED SLUDGE.
The attracting by a solid material of a liquid wherein the liquid permeates the body of the solid, either in pores or throughout the material itself or of a finely divided constituent, suspended or dissolved in a liquid, on the surface of or in pores of the material. Examples of the former are methods using sponges, mops, and pads and of the latter are methods using activated charcoal clays and zeolites. In this class, no distinction is made between absorption and adsorption. Processes using sorption for separation are provided for in subclasses 660+. (See Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 2nd ed. Vol. 1, pp. 44-75 and 421-469.)
SUSPENSION Liquid carrying throughout its volume in extremely fine subdivision an insoluble substance (solid or another liquid) which will not settle under gravity nor can be filtered without special treatment such as addition of chemical agents. A DISPERSION. See FLOCCULATION, GEL, and MEMBRANE.
A material not found in nature, but man-made from chemical building blocks, with properties resembling naturally occurring materials. It does not include man-made duplicates of natural material or chemical modified natural materials. For example, regenerated cellulose and cellulose acetate are
not included nor is zein, but polyester, vinyl, and nylon are included.
A particulate bed of designed coarseness through which liquid is gravity fed at a rate to maintain relatively thin films on the particles and enhance air liquid contact to promote aerobic treatment of the liquid. An alternate method may be programmed flooding and draining of the bed. The treatment using such a bed is in subclasses 616+.
Filtration of a solution or colloid, retaining a constituent of macromolecule dimension. See FILTRATION and MEMBRANE.
A normally liquid material in a gaseous state, e.g., steam. Separating or purifying a fluid in the gaseous state is proper for Class 55, Gas Separation, but treating a liquid with gaseous constituents is provided for in subclasses 603+, 640, 664, 707, 718, and 750.
A liquid that is to be discarded. The term includes effluent from domestic or industrial sources, e.g, sewage wash water spent processing fluids, etc., and refers to liquid to be treated and liquid which has been treated to allow discharge to the environment.