(under subclass 21) Processes in which the feed is heated by the recovered waste heat.
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids,
513, for a process of including the step of exchanging heat between the incoming and outgoing gases.
196, Mineral Oils: Apparatus,
134, for mineral oil vaporizing apparatus having means for preheating the oil by the heat of the vapor or residue.
201, Distillation: Processes, Thermolytic, 14+, for a thermolytic distillation process directed to using a conversion product as an indirect source of heat for heating the feed.
202, Distillation: Apparatus,
159, for a distillation system including a device for heating the feed with a product of the distillation step and subclasses 177+ for a still system including a device for preheating the feed with a product of the distillation step.