(under subclass 51) Devices in which the two complementary parts of a connector coupling may be moved relative to one another to open or close a circuit, without completely uncoupling the parts.
(1) Note. This subclass includes, for example, plug and socket devices wherein the circuit may be broken by turning the plug in the socket without removing the plug from the socket.
(2) Note. Where the circuit can be broken by partially uncoupling the plug from its socket, this subclass includes only those wherein special means (latch, detent, etc.) is provided for holding the parts in their partially uncoupled relation. Thus, this subclass does not take mere screw-threading coupling devices, such as screw-shell lamp sockets in which the lamp may be extinguished by partially unscrewing the same from the socket, unless special means are provided for holding the lamp in the "Off" position.
51.09+, for connector coupling devices wherein a switching means automatically operated by the act of separating the parts of the coupling.