(under subclass 1) Subject matter wherein the matrices are released from their individual channels, brought into line-casting position before the mold, and thereafter restored to their respective channels.
(1) Note. Machines of this subclass are known as "circulating machines". A circulating machine comprises three zones, each having a different function, as follows:
Assembling, including means for releasing the matrices from the storage-magazines and delivering them in a composed line to a holder which is designed to present them to the mold.
Casting, including means for presenting the composed matrices to the mold and withdrawing them therefrom and such casting mechanism as is peculiarly adapted to these machines.
(3) Distributing, including means for withdrawing the matrices from the holder which presented them to the mold and for restoring them to their respective magazine channels.
Improvements in the storage-magazines not involving any assembling or distributing features are provided for in separate subclasses.
This subclass includes means for performing all three operations.
(1) Note. Compare this class, subclass 72.
(2) Note. For means for setting and distributing type in a manner analogous to the matrix assembling and distributing mechanism of these machines, see Class 276, Typesetting.