This is the generic and residual class for control mechanisms adapted to be actuated by check means, and whose function is to govern the operation of an associated machine or system. This class provides for such control mechanisms, per se, the combination of such control mechanism with either a machine or system, a cabinet structure containing the control mechanism peculiar to this class (e.g., a value accumulator, a coin chute, etc.), or a check, per se, designed specifically to actuate a control mechanism.
(1) Note. The term "check," as used herein, refers to an object having or representing a monetary value which can be measured or verified, and includes coins and substitutes therefor which have an analogous function.
(2) Note. In disclosures of parts or the whole of a machine or system and check-actuated control mechanism for governing the operation therefor, the mere inclusion of "coin- (or other check) controlled means" as an element in claims setting forth specific structure of the machine or system, but in which no specific feature of the control mechanism is claimed, is not sufficient to justify placement in this class. The disclosure will be placed in the class in which the machine or system is classifiable.
49, Movable or Removable Closures,
35, for a check-controlled closure wherein no specific feature of the control mechanism is claimed.
81, Tools, 3.09, for the combination of a check-actuated control mechanism with a receptacle closure remover.
99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus,
290, 323.6 and 357 for the combination of a check-actuated control mechanism with a corn popper, beverage infusor or food cooker.
101, Printing,
71, for a mail-box machine, and Digest 23 for a collection of coin-controlled printing machines.
177, Weighing Scales,
125, for a check-controlled weighing scale.
178, Telegraphy,
2, for a coin-controlled telegraph system wherein no specific feature of the control mechanism is claimed.
222, Dispensing,
2, for check-controlled dispensing apparatus where in no specific feature of the control mechanism is claimed.
273, Amusement Devices: Games, appropriate subclass for a game machine or apparatus which operates in response to a check, wherein no significance is attributed to the check-actuated control mechanism. 348, Television,
1+, for use survey and accounting of television systems, see particularly subclass 3 for billing.
368, Horology: Time Measuring Systems or Devices,
90+, for a check-controlled parking meter wherein no specific detail of the control mechanism is claimed.
379, Telephonic Communications,
143+, for those combinations of a telephone with a check-actuated control mechanism wherein the control
mechanism is modified to adapt especially for use with telephone circuitry, or wherein the telephone circuitry is modified by reason of the presence of the control mechanism.
400, Typewriting Machines,
673, for a machine of that class wherein no specific detail of the control mechanism is claimed.
453, Coin Handling, appropriate subclass for apparatus whose function is to handle coins without controlling a machine or system external to the apparatus.
463, Amusement Devices: Games, for a game or for a chance machine or apparatus which operates in response to a check, wherein no significance is attributed to the check-actuated control mechanism.
473, Games Using Tangible Projectile, for a game or for a chance machine or apparatus which operates in response to a check, wherein no significance is attributed to the check-actuated control mechanism. 600, Surgery,
538+, for the combination of a check-actuated control mechanism with a spirometer where the spirometer is significantly claimed.
D20, Sales and Advertising Equipment,
9, for an advertising display for use with a coin-control mechanism on a vending machine.