(under subclass .35) Processes and apparatus characterized by a weakening of the continuous filaments before, or while, being subjected to the breaking forces.
(1) Note. An example of weakening which takes place while the weakened filament is being subjected to the breaking forces is that produced by means located within the ratch of breaking roll pairs. (See patent number 2,077,320 to Hale, here classified).
(2) Note. Such weakening is resorted to mainly for the purpose of minimizing the requisite magnitude of the breaking forces and the consequent loss of fiber extensibility, and for the purpose of predetermining the points along their length at which certain filaments will be broken.
225, Severing by Tearing or Breaking,
2, for processes and subclass 96 for apparatus for weakening a workpiece on an intended line of severance, and then breaking or tearing along such weakened line.