.~ Shoe fasteners

Current as of: June, 1999
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188 /   HD   BRAKES

234.~ Shoe fasteners {7}
235  DF  .~.~> Locomotive type
236  DF  .~.~> Heads
237  DF  .~.~> Combined wheel guards
238  DF  .~.~> Multiple shoes {2}
242  DF  .~.~> Interlocking heads and shoes {4}
247  DF  .~.~> Shoe-back lugs {1}
249  DF  .~.~> Flexible shoes


Classification: 188/234

Includes patents for methods or devices for fastening wearing-shoes to the holder.

(1) Note. In the railway type of brake the shoe is attached to a holder called the "head", and this is attached to the beam. In the wagon type of brakes, where the wearing-shoe is attached directly to the brake-beam, the patents will be found in this class, subclass 220 or 221 above.