(under subclass 2) Systems having transmitting means employing perforated strip or tape, code-type, patterns, etc.
(2) Note. There are numerous other record controlled means in other classes which as to some characteristics may be references for the record controlled mechanisms of this class. Attention is called to the following classes.
66, Textiles: Knitting, particularly
231+, for pattern mechanism.
83, Cutting, 76.1+, for a pattern-controlled cutting or punching machine.
84, Music, the subclasses indented under "Automatic", starting with
2, the selecting or record controlled means being in subclasses 115+.
87, Textiles: Braiding, Netting, and Lace Making, particularly
14+, for apparatus with pattern mechanism.
101, Printing, particularly
19, and 20 for piercing embossing machines, and subclasses 93 and 96 for bed and platen machines.
112, Sewing, particularly
4, for Jacquard card sewing machines, subclasses 470.01+ for a pattern controlled sewing machine and subclasses 78+ for a pattern controlled embroidery-type sewing machine.
139, Textiles: Weaving, particularly
317+, for the record controlled mechanism.
144, Woodworking, 137+, for a pattern controlled shaping machine.
199, Type Casting, particularly
74, for pattern controlled rotary matrix type cast machines, and subclass 77 for pattern controlled slidable matrix machines.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,
46, for pattern-sheet controlled switches.
209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids, particularly
532, 554, 612, 613, 619, and 688 for automatic perforated articles assorting machines.
234, Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching)
59+, for a record-controlled punching machine with a plurality of individually movable tools.
235, Registers,
56, for vote counters, and subclasses 419+ for record controlled calculators. 276, Typesetting, particularly
13, for pattern controlled type setting machines.
341, Coded Data Generation or Conversion,
20+, and 173+ for pulse code transmitter.
400, Typewriting Machines, appropriate subclasses for pattern controlled typewriting machines.
409, Gear Cutting, Milling, or Planing,
79+, for a pattern controlled milling machine; and subclasses 289+ for a pattern controlled planing machine.