A. This class relates to processes and means for initially forming or radially enlarging an elongated hole in the earth in situ by dislocating the solid material of the earth.
1. The means forming the hole is of the type which advances inwardly into the earth from the point at which the earth is pierced and acts on the entire peripheral extent of the hole as it advances.
2. Dislocating of the earth formation may be achieved by any action, such as disintegrating, compacting, chipping, cutting, severing, splitting, spalling, piercing, burning, decomposing or eroding, for example, so long as the purpose is to form a hole.
B. This class also takes tools not elsewhere classified specifically described as for forming bores in masonry, concrete, cement, glass or similar materials having a brittle frangible character similar to rock.
C. This class is also the locus for below ground impact connections. Such devices, commonly called "Jars" are defined as a means forming a lost motion connection in a shaft or cable, and are provided with impacting faces which are described as generating a blow to be delivered to some device connected to the rod or cable and located in a hole in the earth. Combinations involving below ground impact connection and a specifically claimed art device which forms subject matter for another class will be found in such other class.
However, the combination of the below ground impact connection and a specific joint for joining the shaft or cable to an art device which forms subject matter for another class is classifiable in Class 175.
D. This class includes subject matter relating to devices for firing a bullet or exploding a shaped charge from an inaccessible hole to penetrate the formation (See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.). Also included are such devices which are limited by disclosure to perforating or cutting a casing or other hole lining in an inaccessible hole but which would inherently function to direct a bullet or charge in the same manner as a formation cutter or perforator.
Classes 166 and 175 are very closely related since the majority of the wells classifiable in Class 166 are made by the processes or apparatus of Class 175 and much of the apparatus of Class 166 used in operating wells is also useful in operating Class 175 apparatus. In view of this fact, the general lines between these two classes are different with respect to processes and apparatus.
A. Process
Processes of making, using or treating a well which as a whole are more comprehensive than an earth boring or penetrating process and which include a step of earth boring or penetrating, which step alone would be classifiable in the processes of Class 175, are classified in the appropriate process subclasses of Class 166, except as noted below.
A well fluid sampling process including a step of earth boring or penetrating is classifiable in Class 166, unless a step of sampling the earth formation solids is included in such a fluid sampling process, then classification is in Class 175. (See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.)
Generally, processes of cementing a well are classified in Class 166 while processes of boring the earth with fluid containing a plugging or cementing type constituent are
classified in Class 175. Also see References to Other Classes, below, for the reference to Class 166.
Processes for cleaning the wall of a well or earth bore in which the material being removed has been deposited in the well are classified in Class 166. Processes in which the well bore is enlarged or acted upon to remove the natural solid earth formation (e.g., reaming), are classified in Class 175. In a process of cleaning a well bore which includes a step of drilling or boring, the step of the removal of the deposited material from the wall of a well or earth bore must be specifically recited in the claim to be classifiable in Class 166 since practically all drilling processes would inherently result in cleaning of the well bore.
Processes of casing or lining well bores are generally classifiable in Class 166 even though an earth boring step is claimed. However, drilling a well generally involves the use of a tubing, particularly in rotary drilling operations, which may in some instances be left in the bore to form a casing or lining. Therefore, a patent which claims in a boring process the formation of a cased or lined well by merely leaving the tubing or the like used in the boring operation in the well, will be classified in Class 175.
If, however, a drill tubing or shaft and a separate well lining or casing are specifically described, and steps are claimed of boring and lining or casing, classification will be in the processes of Class 166 even if the separate casing or lining is specifically described as including an earth cutting shoe and the step of cutting with the casing or lining is claimed.
B. Apparatus
In general, Class 175 is more comprehensive than Class 166 with respect to apparatus when an earth boring tool is claimed in combination with a well feature except as noted below. Cutters specifically described as perforating or cutting well pipe in situ as defined in Class 166 are classified in such subclass even though such cutter may be incidentally described as also cutting the earth. For such cutters to be classified in Class 175, there must be a cutter element which is specifically described as a rock or earth cutting element in addition to the pipe cutter and such earth cutting element must be claimed. However, devices for firing a bullet or exploding a shaped charge to perforate or cut well pipe in situ are classified in Class 175 even though the disclosure is limited to perforating or cutting casing or a wall member in a bore if the device inherently functions to form a bore in the earth formation.
A lateral probe extending from a tubular well member to engage and penetrate the earth formation to form a fluid
passage is classified in Class 166. If the probe removes any of the earth formation, for a sample or otherwise, classification will be in Class 175. See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.
Class 166 is more comprehensive than Class 175 when an earth boring tool is not claimed; Class 166 taking subcombinations of Class 175 subject matter, such as a below ground impact connection claimed in combination with a well feature.
A. Processes
Processes for forming a hole in stone or a stone like substance which has been previously removed from its relative position, and processes for precious stone working are classified elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Processes of forming holes in the earth for agricultural purposes such as, for example, aerating the soil are classified elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Processes for forming openings in the earth while recovering in desirable sizes or shapes a valuable material which naturally occurs in the solid state are classified elsewhere. However, merely forming a hole in valuable material for a purpose other than recovery of the material removed, such as to form a hole to receive a blasting charge or for ventilation is classified in Class 175. Disintegrating hard material in situ where the area worked is of larger surface extent than the working extent of the tool, and forming a large horizontal opening in the earth by following a cutting means into an opening with a horizontally operating vehicle support therefor is elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
methods and apparatus for installing water or earth control structures or piles or the like in the earth which may include a hole forming step or means are classified elsewhere as are methods or apparatus for forming an underground fluid storage cavity, or a shaft or tunnel, which go beyond merely removing the material to form the hole. However, boring generally involves the use of tubing, and such tubing may, in some instances, be left in the bore to form a cased hole which may be described as a shaft, tunnel, or conduit for fluid, etc. Therefore, a patent which claims in a boring process, the formation of a cased or lined hole by merely leaving the tubing or the like used in the boring operation in the hole, will be classified in Class 175. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Processes where boring or penetrating the earth is employed as part of a process within the Class 588 definition. (See
References to Other Classes, below.) B. Tool driving or impacting;
Means to drive or impact a tool, when such means includes combined features, such as driving and advancing, driving and cleansing or specific impact relationship to a tool, but which means is not limited to specific art use are elsewhere. Class 175 includes combinations of such means with means such as the specific structure of the work contacting portion of a tool, a fluid head adapted to engage a bore entrance, or a bore wall engaging guide or packer on a shaft being used in a boring operation. Class 175 also provides for below ground impacting devices comprising lost motion connectings as described in C, Tools, below, even when such impacting devices are not combined with any other specific feature for Class 175. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
C. Tools
Class 175 takes the terminal or work performing element for forming a bore in the earth which is generically called a tool, and includes bits, nozzles, drive points, heaters, etc., and analogous and similar tools elsewhere provided for are noted as follows:
Tools for boring gem stones, and also the combination of a tool for boring stone or stone-like material when the tool is claimed in combination with a work support or work holder are elsewhere as are sawing or splitting tools for working blocks of stone and stone-like materials, and for stone surface working tools and miscellaneous stone working tools (e.g., miners picks). (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Tools for boring or penetrating into the earth, when the boring is done to recover valuable cuttings from a borehole in desirable size or shape, and also includes earth boring or penetrating tools which are specifically described as being adapted to follow a boring movement with a lateral movement relative to the surface of a hard material which is being worked to form a channel or kerf are elsewhere. However, Class 175 takes such channeling cutters which are described as functioning completely below the surface of the earth in an inaccessible hole. Apparatus for forming a large horizontal passageway into the earth by continuously advancing a cutting device by means of a horizontally operating vehicle which forms a passageway as the vehicle follows the cutting means into and along the passageway are elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Rotary boring bits not otherwise classifiable are elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Soft earth removing tools such as ditchers, dredgers and clam shells, which are adapted to form a hole of greater peripheral extent than the tool by lateral movement which may or may not follow a boring advance, or by repeated laterally
displaced excavatory grabs are elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
A tool which is provided with a cutting edge adapted for boring or penetrating into the earth, but which is solely disclosed as for boring into the earth around a living plant for the purpose of removing the plant from the earth as the tool is extracted, is classified in the appropriate agricultural or material handling class.
A tool such as a drive point or nozzle which assists in the placement or construction of an earth embedded structure and forms part of the completed structure is classified in the appropriate building art.
A device which is disclosed as a tool to bore or penetrate the earth by directly applying heat to fluidize or comminute, but which is merely a heater of general utility (e.g., does not claim bit elements, drilling fluid discharge port, etc.), is classified in the appropriate heating class. In the References to Other Classses, below, search notes to classes which provide for processes for boring or penetrating the earth, or apparatus or processes relating to subject matter which is described for use in connection with a process or apparatus for boring or penetrating the earth, including a statement of the line with the most closely related classes.
2+, for subject matter relating to devices for firing a bullet or exploding a shaped charge from an inaccessible hole to penetrate the formation.
2+, for a mechanical earth boring means or step combined with an explosive means or step ancillary to the boring.
59, for a step of sampling earth formation solids.
65+, for processes of boring the earth with fluid containing a plugging or cementing type constituent.
77, 78 and 79+. A lateral probe extending from a tubular well member to engage and penetrate the earth formation to form a fluid passage is classified elsewhere. If the probe removes any of the earth formation, for a sample or otherwise, classification will be in this class (175).
90, for channeling cutters which are described as functioning completely below the surface of the earth in an inaccessible hole.
327+, for the definition of "bit."
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 29, Metal Working, appropriate subclasses for metal working apparatus and processes of mechanical manufacture, and particularly
95+, for cutters for metal working. Class 29 takes a cutter for use in a bore hole where the sole disclosed use of the cutter is to mill away metallic objects in a bore hole.
33, Geometrical Instruments,
302, and 304+ for methods of and apparatus for indicating borehole direction by utilizing forces such as terrestrial gravitation or magnetism.
37, Excavating, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for making an opening in the earth by the removal or displacement of material. The line between Class 37 and Class 175 being generally related to the peripheral extent of the opening at the surface of the earth. Class 37 taking subject matter relating to forming an opening wherein the periphery of said opening greatly exceeds the cross-sectional area of the tool or cutting organization. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes" )
37, Excavating, for soft earth removing tools such as ditchers, dredgers and clam shells, which are adapted to form a hole of greater peripheral extent than the tool by lateral movement which may or may not follow a boring advance, or by repeated laterally displaced excavatory grabs. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes" )
52, Static Structures (e.g., Buildings),
40, for a shaft or tower merely holding a named article or support means, subclasses 111+ for mechanism operated or relatively movable shaft, e.g., a tower, subclasses 155+ for land anchors, subclasses 651.01+ for three-dimensional openwork, e.g., a mast, subclasses 720.1+ for a residual elongated structural unit.
60, Power Plants, appropriate subclasses for power plants and motors of the type provided for in Class 60 for operating earth boring or penetrating means. The nominal recitation of an earth boring or penetrating load (e.g., boring tool) will not preclude classification in Class 60.
73, Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses and particularly
152.01+, for a nominal drilling step or apparatus combined with a step or apparatus for measuring or testing.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism, appropriate subclasses for mechanical movements, gearing, and elements provided for therein which are described for use in earth boring or penetrating apparatus.
76, Metal Tools and Implements, Making, appropriate subclasses, and particularly
102, and 108 for blanks and processes for making drilling tools. Patents including claims to blanks or processes for making drills and claims to the drill as an article of manufacture are classified with the article in Class 175.
81, Tools, appropriate subclasses for tools for connecting elements of boring means and particularly
53+, for wrenches.
89, Ordnance, appropriate subclass for a expelled projectile or firing control of general utility.
91, Motors: Expansible Chamber Type, appropriate subclass for an expansible chamber fluid motor, including such a motor for operating an earth boring means.
92, Expansible Chamber Devices, appropriate subclass for an expansible chamber device, including such device which may be described as used in operating an earth boring means.
95, Gas Separation: Processes, for processes of gas separation, particularly
241+, for degasification of liquid.
96, Gas Separation: Apparatus, for apparatus for gas separation, particularly
155+, for degasifying means for liquid. 102, Ammunition and Explosives, appropriate subclass for a process of apparatus relating to an explosive charge of general utility and particularly
301+, for blasting and well torpedoes. Class 175 provides for subject matter for extending or enlarging a bore or perforating a formation from an inaccessible hole or penetrating a casing or other wall member in an inaccessible hole by means of a gun or shaped charge device which would inherently penetrate the formation. However, Class 102 provides for subject matter relating to merely causing an explosion in a hole where such explosion is not directed in a particular manner relating to a shaped charge or cartridge, per se. Also, Class 102 includes blasting of general utility to break up earth formation, even though mechanical earth boring steps or means to position the charge are included. However, a mechanical earth boring means or step combined with an explosive means or step ancillary to the boring is classifiable in Class 175. See Subclass References to the
Current Class, above.
111, Planting, appropriate subclasses for agricultural type planting including a step or means for boring or penetrating the earth combined with depositing an object in the bore (usually a seed or living plant).
123, Internal-Combustion Engines, appropriate subclasses for internal-combustion engines and including such engines for operating earth boring means.
125, Stone Working, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for working stone and stone-like material, which is not in situ in the earth. Boring or penetrating tools which are described for working materials (e.g., glass, ceramics, concrete) which are not normally in situ will, nevertheless, be classified in Class 175 if the claims are limited to the boring tool. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
125, Stone Working, for processes for forming a hole in stone or a stone like substance which has been previously removed from its relative position, and for processes for precious stone working. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
125, Stone Working, provides for tools for boring gem stones, and also the combination of a tool for boring stone or stone-like material when the tool is claimed in combination with a work support or work holder. Class 125 also provides for sawing or splitting tools for working blocks of stone and stone-like materials, and for stone surface working tools and miscellaneous stone working tools (e.g., miners picks). (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
137, Fluid Handling, appropriate subclasses for fluid handling means and including such means for use in earth boring apparatus.
138, Pipes and Tubular Conduits, for pipe structure of general utility.
144, Woodworking, for apparatus for boring wood including wood (e.g., trees) which may be in situ in the earth.
166, Wells, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus including steps or means for making or operating wells. The line between Class 166 and Class 175 is set forth in Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, in this class definition. 166, Wells,
285+, for processes of cementing a well. The line between Class 166 and Class 175, when cementing or boring with fluid is concerned, is set forth in Lines With Other Classes and
Within This Class in the class definition of Class 166 and the definition of subclass 285+ of the same class. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Class 166, Wells")
166, Wells,
55, for cutters specifically described as perforating or cutting well pipe in situ and subclass 100 for a lateral probe extending from a tubular well member to engage and penetrate the earth formation to form a fluid passage. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Class 166, Wells")
171, Unearthing Plants or Buried Objects, appropriate subclasses for processes or apparatus for unearthing buried objects which may include boring steps or means.
172, Earth Working, for processes or means for working the earth, and particularly
21, for earth perforators. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
172, Earth Working, for processes of forming holes in the earth for agricultural purposes such as, for example, aerating the soil. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
173, Tool Driving or Impacting, appropriate subclass for subject matter directed to driving or impacting a tool, when such subject matter includes combined features peculiar to tool driving, but which does not include features limiting the subject matter to a specific tool art, such as specific shape of the work contacting portion of a tool, related tools, or an opposed work support. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
173, Tool Driving or Impacting, for means to drive or impact a tool, when such means includes combined features, such as driving and advancing, driving and cleansing or specific impact relationship to a tool, but which means is not limited to specific art use. Class 175 includes combinations of such means with means such as the specific structure of the work contacting portion of a tool, a fluid head adapted to engage a bore entrance, or a bore wall engaging guide or packer on a shaft being used in a boring operation. Class 175 also provides for below ground impacting devices comprising lost motion connectings as described in Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, C, Tools, above, even when such impacting devices are not combined with any other specific feature for Class 175. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for a combined tool shaft and electrical conductor, and particularly
47, for a combined fluid conduit and electrical conductor.
185, Motors: Spring, Weight, and Animal Powered, for animal, spring, or weight powered devices which may be used for operating boring means.
188, Brakes, particularly
67, for a brake (e.g., a clasp) mechanically connected to a relatively stationary structure and which holds a pipe or rod at various locations along the pipe's or rod's length for short, quick linear assembly or disassembly during a work or manufacturing operation, or preparation to a working operation done by the pipe, rod, or a pipe supported tool.
209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for selectively separating solids from solids including solids in drilling fluids.
210, Liquid Purification or Separation, appropriate subclasses for processes or apparatus for separating a material from a fluid including a drilling fluid.
248, Supports, appropriate subclasses, and particularly
637+, for machinery supports. The inclusion of a nominal boring means in a claim does not preclude classification in Class 248.
250, Radiant Energy,
254, for methods and apparatus where a nominal drill apparatus or drilling step combined with a geological invisible radiation test, or earth formation or well material irradiation method or apparatus, and subclasses 256+ for methods and apparatus to detect or utilize invisible radiation to test material in or about a well.
251, Valves and Valve Actuation, appropriate subclasses for valve means including valves for use in earth boring. 254, Implements or Apparatus for Applying Pushing or Pulling Force, appropriate subclasses including means to advance or retract a boring means.
277, Seal for a Joint or Juncture, for a generic sealing means or process,
322+, for a seal for a well apparatus, subclasses 358+ for a relatively rotatable radially extending sealing face member (e.g., face, mechanical, etc.) or subclasses 500+ or a dynamic circumferential contact seal for other than a piston.
279, Chucks or Sockets, appropriate subclasses, including
chucks and sockets for drilling tools, and particularly
20, for a socket type, fluid conducting, drill holding chuck. The inclusion of details of the portion of the boring tool that cooperates with the chuck or socket does not preclude classification in Class 279. However, claims reciting plural boring tool elements which are simultaneously received in a chuck or socket are classified in Class 175.
285, Pipe Joints or Couplings, appropriate subclasses including pipe joints or couplings for earth boring or penetrating means, and particularly for joints or couplings for tool shafts. The nominal recitation of one joint or coupling member as being a boring tool does not preclude classification in Class 285.
294, Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements,
49+, for hand type, nonrotary tools for boring post holes, and subclasses 86.1+ for grapples for removing or placing earth boring tools and other objects from or into a borehole and particularly subclass 86.34 for a means for retrieving a stuck object from a borehole combined with a means to remove material from around the stuck object, which means may include a nominally claimed earth boring bit, though if specific structure of a cutting edge for earth boring is claimed, classification is in Class 175. The term "stuck object" does not include a core of earth material. A core removing means is classifiable in Class 175 even if an earth boring feature is only nominally claimed. In the absence of an earth boring feature, a grapple for retrieving a core is classifiable in Class 294, subclasses 86.1+. As between Class 294 and Class 175, generally any claiming of an earth boring feature causes classification in Class 175, except for the subject matter of Class 294, subclass 86.34. Hand type, post hole boring tools which are described as being rotated in forming a hole are classified in Class 175.
299, Mining or In Situ Disintegration of Hard Material, for processes for forming openings in the earth while recovering in desirable sizes or shapes a valuable material which naturally occurs in the solid state. However, merely forming a hole in valuable material for a purpose other than recovery of the material removed, such as to form a hole to receive a blasting charge or for ventilation is classified in Class 175. Class 299 further provides for disintegrating hard material in situ where the area worked is of larger surface extent than the working extent of the tool, and forming a large horizontal opening in the earth by following a cutting means into an opening with a horizontally operating vehicle support therefore. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
299, Mining or In Situ Disintegration of Hard Material, provides for tools for boring or penetrating into the earth, when the boring is done to recover valuable cuttings from a borehole in desirable size or shape, and also includes earth
boring or penetrating tools which are specifically described as being adapted to follow a boring movement with a lateral movement relative to the surface of a hard material which is being worked to form a channel or kerf. However, Class 175 takes such channeling cutters which are described as functioning completely below the surface of the earth in an inaccessible hole. Class 299 also takes apparatus for forming a large horizontal passageway into the earth by continuously advancing a cutting device by means of a horizontally operating vehicle which forms a passageway as the vehicle follows the cutting means into and along the passageway. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes") 310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure, appropriate subclasses including an electric motor for operating an earth boring means, and which may be described as entering a bore hole.
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, appropriate subclasses for electric motor power plants, and particularly
39, for plural motors which may broadly be combined with feed and drive loads.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
323+, for a step or means for measuring an electrical property of the formation. The combination of nominal earth boring steps or means and a step or means for measuring an electrical property of the formation is classified in Class 324.
340, Communications: Electrical,
853.1+, for well bore electrical communications, including telemetering in a well bore.
367, Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices,
14+, for acoustic wave seismic prospecting systems; and subclasses 81+ for acoustic wave wellbore telemetering.
384, Bearings, appropriate subclasses for bearing of general utility.
403, Joints and Connections, appropriate subclasses for rod couplings or joints for earth boring means. The nominal inclusion of one joint or coupling member as being a boring tool does not preclude classification in this class (403).
404, Road Structure, Process, or Apparatus appropriate subclasses for (1) highway, pathway or walkway structure, per se; and (2) process and apparatus for making, installing, repairing or maintaining such structure where such structure, process or apparatus is not otherwise classifiable as either (a) specifically provided for in other loci or (b) of such general utility as to be provided for on that basis (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class in Class 404, class definition, for known collections of such nature and the particular lines of demarcation).
405, Hydraulic and Earth Engineering, appropriate subclasses for the combination of an earth boring process or apparatus and a process step or apparatus classifiable in Class 405. In the process of installing hydraulic and earth engineering structure, Class 405 is clearly superior, a mere recitation in a process claim preamble (e.g., in a process of driving a pile) being sufficient to control classification. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
405, Hydraulic and Earth Engineering, for methods and apparatus for installing water or earth control structures or piles or the like in the earth which may include a hole forming step or means. Further, Class 405 provides for methods or apparatus for forming an underground fluid storage cavity, or a shaft or tunnel, which go beyond merely removing the material to form the hole. However, boring generally involves the use of tubing, and such tubing may, in some instances, be left in the bore to form a cased hole which may be described as a shaft, tunnel, or conduit for fluid, etc. Therefore, a patent which claims in a boring process, the formation of a cased or lined hole by merely leaving the tubing or the like used in the boring operation in the hole, will be classified in Class 175. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
408, Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for boring or reaming bores by a rotating tool, not elsewhere provided for. Class 408, for example, takes steps and means for boring or reaming bores solely in metallic objects even though the metallic object may be embedded in the earth, and boring bits which are described as equally well suited for boring rock, etc., and either wood or metal. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
408, Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool, is the generic home for rotary boring bits not otherwise classifiable. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
414, Material or Article Handling, for material handling of general utility, and particularly
22.51+, for a well pipe or rod including tool shaft racking mechanism.
415, Rotary Kinetic Fluid Motors or Pumps,
903, for a fluid motor disclosed as a well bit drive
417, Pumps, appropriate subclasses for pumps for circulating drilling mud.
418, Rotary Expansible Chamber Devices appropriate subclasses for a rotary expansible chamber device, per se, or in combination with a nominally claimed Class 175 structure. 464, Rotary Shafts, Gudgeons, Housings, and Flexible Couplings for Rotary Shafts, appropriate subclasses for rotary shafts and flexible shaft couplings for transmitting rotary drive to a boring tool; and particularly
18+, for a flexible coupling between fluid conducting rotary shaft; subclasses 163+ for a coupling between a rotary drive table and axially movable drill string; and subclass 183 for a hollow torque transmitting shaft.
507, Earth Boring, Well Treating, and Oil Field Chemistry,
100+, for earth boring (e.g., drilling fluid) compositions. The inclusion of an inherent fluid handling step of; e.g., circulating fluid or injecting while boring, preparative step, or mixing, of a specific drilling fluid composition does not preclude classification in Class 507.
520, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers, appropriate subclasses, particularly Class 523,
130+, for a composition containing a synthetic resin or natural rubber having utility in sealing fissures or crevices in stone, rock, or other subterranean formations or in consolidating a formation in a well or in cementing a well or to processes of preparing said composition.
588, Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction or Containment,
249, and 250 for processes where boring or penetrating the earth is employed as part of a process within the Class 588 definition. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, "Relationship to Other Classes")
The term "Above Ground" denotes any point which lies outside of a hole being formed in the earth, this may be either in the open (e.g., on the surface of the earth) or a cellar, tunnel or other hole in the earth from which a hole is being formed.
ADVANCE Motion in a direction towards the desired depth or direction of a hole being formed.
"Below Ground" denotes any point within a hole being formed in the earth from the point at which the earth is pierced by the means forming the hole.
The hole formed by the boring means. It is not limited to a vertically extending hole, but can extend at any angle into the earth.
The wall which forms the periphery of a hole in the earth. In the case of a lined hole the inside wall of the lining constitutes a borewall for purposes of classification.
A combination of parts comprising an earth boring or drilling device. It may comprise merely a tool provided with a handle for manipulating the same to form a hole in the earth, or a complex combination of parts including above ground structure for supporting, feeding and driving a tool for boring a hole in the earth.
A tube which is introduced in a preformed bore and forms a lining for the bore. CONVEYOR
A mechanical device for receiving and carrying cuttings, for example, it may consist of a simple chute for directing cuttings away from the bore entrance, a helical screw fixed to the tool shaft, or a power-driven endless carrier type device extending between any two points within the bore or from any point within the bore to any location above ground.
Any fluid, gaseous or liquid, which is introduced into the bore for the purpose of lubricating or cleaning any part of the boring means, or to displace or assist the tool in displacing the formation, or to flush or clean the bore of cuttings.
A part of the boring means which comprises a motion generating, applying, or transmitting means which is specifically adapted to repeatedly or continuously act upon a boring tool to cause the tool to bore by cutting or penetrating into the earth. Drive is divided into the
following major categories: (1) Feed. The sustained forced advance of a boring tool by means other than mere gravity, adapted to cause the tool to cut or penetrate either with or without another type of drive means; (2) Impact Drive. The actuation of a boring tool by a means adapted to deliver a series of blows upon a tool or tool shaft, said impact delivering means being adapted to move relative to said tool or tool shaft; (3) Reciprocating Drive. The actuation of a boring tool by means adapted to cause the tool to partake of to and fro axial movement, at least one direction of axial movement being caused by the drive; (4) Rotary Drive. The actuation of a boring tool by means causing the tool to continuously rotate about its own axis, and includes uniform or step by step unidirectional or oscillatory motion.
A hole or cavity in the earth which is not large enough to permit both a human operator and a boring means to be located therein. A specific disclosure that the hole or cavity is a well or borehole and that the supporting or carrying means for the boring means substantially fills said hole or cavity will be considered an inaccessible hole.
Any fluid which is derived from a pressurized stream which operates a drive motor for the boring means. Motive fluid when exhausted into the bore is also considered to be drilling fluid.
RETRACTION Motion in a direction away from the bottom of a hole being formed.
A part of the boring means which comprises an elongate, relatively slender structure (e.g., rod, tube, casing, strand, cable, etc., or any combination thereof), which is connected to another part of the boring means for manipulating, supporting or driving said other part. (1) Actuating Shaft. A shaft connected to another part of the boring means for modifying or controlling said other part (e.g., cutter expansion shaft). (2) Shaft Section. One of the individual elements of a multipart shaft. (3) Tool Shaft. A shaft which is connected to the boring tool and extends above ground, or to another part of the boring means (e.g., to the drive or advance means. (4) Tool Drive Shaft. A tool shaft connecting the tool to the drive means, to transmit mechanical movement from the drive to the tool.
Comprises the terminal or work applying element of the boring means including bits, nozzles, drive points, projectiles,
explosives, etc., which disintegrates, dislocates, erodes or compresses the earth to form a bore. See the appropriate subclasses for the definition of particular tools, and particularly Subclass References to the Current Class, above, for the definition of "bit".