(under subclass 137) Insulators in which the insulating device is composed of (1) two or more insulating parts or sections suitably assembled to provide a unitary insulating structure, or (2) an insulating body coated or covered with other insulating material, or (3) an insulating body provided with mere reinforcing elements. Such reinforcing elements may be metallic provided they have no electrical function.
(1) Note. See this class, subclass 140 and indented subclasses, for insulators coated with conductive material for stress distributing purposes.
(2) Note. For similar structures combined with terminal elements, see this class, subclasses 178 and indented subclasses, 181 and 195.
(3) Note. For multi-part insulators of the type in which one or more conductors are clamped or otherwise secured between two or more insulating parts, see this class, subclasses 155, 156 and 157.
(4) Note. For multi-part insulators of the bushing type, or otherwise specially designed to insulate a conductor from a wall or plate through which the conductor passes, see this class, subclasses 151 and indented subclasses and 167.
(5) Note. Compare this class, subclass 148 and indented subclasses, for assemblies or combinations of two or more complete insulators.
(6) Note. For electric conductors insulated with composite or plural-layer insulation, see this class, subclass 120 and indented subclasses. (7) Note. See Class 156, Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture, subclasses 47+ for methods of laminating indefinite length electrical conductors.