.~.~ Fence post insulators

Current as of: June, 1999
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137 R  DF  INSULATORS {17}
158 R  DF  .~ With insulator-supporting or attaching means {7}
158 F.~.~ Fence post insulators

Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R F


Classification: 174/158

(under subclass 137) Insulators combined with means for engaging or attaching to a supporting element or structure.

(1) Note. Mere supports for insulators such as brackets, etc., not claimed in combination with the insulators nor otherwise restricted to use with electric conductors, have been placed in class 248, Supports, appropriate subclasses, particularly in subclasses 200+ and 317+, and this is so even though the bracket or other support is claimed as made in whole or in part of a material having inherent insulating properties; but where additional insulation features are claimed, such as insulating skirts, to shed rain, etc., classification is here (Class 174), in this subclass or indented subclasses.

(2) Note. For insulators claimed in combination with a tower, pole or other overhead installation, see this class, subclass 40 and indented subclasses.

(3) Note. For combinations of two or more insulators with their supporting or attaching means, see this class, subclass 148 and indented subclasses.

(4) Note. For combinations of bushing type insulators with mounting or securing means, see this class, subclass 151 and indented subclasses.

(5) Note. For mere terminal structures as defined in subclass 176, either per se or in combination with the insulator, see this class, subclass 176 and indented subclasses.