.~.~ With conductive arcing or stress distributing means {7}
140 H
.~.~.~ Hood type
Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R C H S CR
Classification: 174/140
(under subclass 139) Insulating devices combined with conductive means to modify the electrical characteristics of the insulator. This includes, for example, arcing horns or electrodes, conductive coating or elements for modifying surface resistance or preventing concentration of stress, and conductive grading means for controlling the voltage gradient.
(1) Note. Electric condensers or capacitors are in Class 361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices, subclasses 271+, but mere insulators having condenser elements for modifying the capacity thereof, or for distributing the stresses therein, are in this class (174).
(2) Note. Lightning arresters, arc and spark gaps, and other overvoltage protective means are in Class 361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices, subclasses 212+, and in Class 313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, appropriate subclasses even though the structure of the lightning arrester, arc or spark gaps includes insulating means to separate the electrodes of the device from each other. Insulator structures which are primarily designed for spacing one or more conductors or other articles or structures, other than mere arc or spark gap terminals, from one another or from a supporting structure or ground when designed to permit overvoltage discharges, or when combined with arcing or sparking electrodes constituting a part of or secured to the insulator or its terminals or fittings for the purpose of protecting the insulator from the effects of the overvoltage discharge, are in this class (174). Where additional means are provided (such as fuses, resistors, etc.) for controlling or suppressing the arc or overvoltage, classification is in Class 361. Where the structure claimed of is intended for use establishing an electric space
discharge between the electrodes of the arc or spark gap, and the insulator is provided merely to insulate the electrodes from each other, the patent is classified in Class 313. Arcing or grading devices, per se, which are specially designed for use with the insulators of Class 174, are in this class (174), subclass 144. Mere arc spark or other electric space discharge device electrodes, which are not limited to use with the insulators of class 174, are in Class 313, subclasses 326+. See subclass 313 of Class 313 for electric lamps and electric space discharge devices which are provided means for preventing the accumulation of static charges upon parts of the device or for preventing undesired electric space discharges, such as arcs, between the parts of the device.
(3) Note. For conduit, cable or conductor joints or end structures combined with conductive stress distributing means, see this class, subclass 73.1.
(4) Note. For X-ray devices having electrostatic field stress distributing means, see Class 378, X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices, subclass 139.
(5) Note. For inductor devices with coil capacitance modifying means to change the potential gradient in order to minimize surge or transient effects, see Class 336, Inductor Devices, subclass 70. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
343, Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
885, for antennas with a support having stress distributing or static discharging means in the support.