.~.~ Component mounting pads, spacers and holders

Current as of: June, 1999
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137 R  DF  INSULATORS {17}
138 R  DF  .~ Special application {10}
138 G.~.~ Component mounting pads, spacers and holders

Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R A C S B D E F G H J


Classification: 174/138

(under subclass 137) Insulating devices for supporting and/or insulating particular articles or structures other than conductors.

(05.) Note. This subclass includes insulated rod joints not otherwise classified. Where the insulated rod joint is merely two or more rod-like bodies which are insulated from each other by means of insulating material which is joined to the rod-like bodies by means of bonded joint, the patent is classified in 403, Joints and Connections, appropriate subclasses, especially subclasses 265+, for molded joints. A bonded joint is a joint where the parts are held together by means of solder, welding material, cement or other adhesive, or by the materials adhering directly with each other.

(1) Note. See note (3) subclass 137 of this class.

(2) Note. Insulating elements adapted for insertion between the links of pull chains for switches are placed in this subclass, but where such element constitutes a handle or pull knob for the chain, classification is in Class 16, Miscellaneous Hardware, subclass 442.

(3) Note. For insulating devices specially designed to prevent persons or animals from receiving electrical shocks, see this class, subclass 5.

(4) Note. Insulating elements which are constituent parts of electrical apparatus or devices and are specially designed for use therein will be found in the appropriate class for such apparatus or device, even though claimed, per se. For example, see: Classes 191, Electricity: Transmission to Vehicles, subclass 39, for section insulators and subclass 42

for combined ears and insulators; 200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, subclass 168, for switch and fuse mountings and base; 310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure, subclasses 233+ for commutators having insulation for portions thereof; 313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, subclasses 238+, for electric lamps and electric space discharge devices which are provided with insulators for supporting or spacing the electrodes of an electric lamp and electric space discharge device, see subclass 340 for indirectly heated cathodes for electric lamps and electric space discharge devices which are provided with an insulator for spacing the heater element from the cathode member; and 338, Electrical Resistors, for electrical resistance element cores and frames which constitutes part of the electrical resistor (see also (1) Note under subclass 321). Insulators, per se, for use in the devices of Class 313 and which are of general utility are in this subclass of Class 174. See subclass 292 of Class 313 for miscellaneous supporting and spacing elements for use in the devices of Class 313 and which are not otherwise classified. See Class 439, Electrical Connectors, appropriate subclasses for insulating contact bases, lamp sockets or other elements of connectors and appurtenant devices of insulating materials and not elsewhere classifiable. See Class 336, Inductor Devices, especially subclasses 198, 206, 209, and 219 for coil, inductance, magnetic core and transformer insulation. See Class 337, Electricity: Electrothermally or Thermally Actuated Switches, appropriate subclasses for specific switches of the electrothermal or thermal type with mountings or bases. (5) Note. Insulating supports for neon tubes are placed in this subclass. For similar supports not claimed as made of insulation, see Class 248, Supports, subclass 50.

(6) Note. Fastening devices such as bolts, rivets, etc., having means for insulating the same from a structure penetrated by the fastening device, are in this subclass.


373, Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces,
