(under subclass 271) Apparatus including means to remove or withdraw a cast product from a forming surface or vice versa.
(1) Note. The removal or withdrawal may be with respect to a mold or core or both.
131+, for processes of removing a product from a forming surface.
145, for means of stripping cast printing plates.
180, for means to withdraw mold parts after shaping a forming surface.
213, for means for separating mold from shaping member subsequent to its formation. 295, for means to remove product from centrifugal casting means.
401+, for means, per se, to eject or strip product from shaping surface.
441+, for apparatus means for continuous or semi-continuous casting including a product withdrawal means.
249, Static Molds,
66.1, for metal shaping surface including means to remove or release product from said surface; subclass 136, for static mold with a bottom movable through upstanding mold walls to
aid product removal; subclasses 178+, for internal mold means (core) including means to contract core thereby aiding its removal from a product and subclass 183, for flexural shaping surface means which characteristic aids in product removal.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,
334+, for processes of separating non-metal molded article from shaping surface.