Class Notes
Current as of: June, 1999
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Classification: 164/
This is the generic class for:
1. METAL* CASTING - Process and/or apparatus for shaping of fluid metallic material.
2. MOLD MAKING - Process and/or apparatus, per se, for shaping of fluent material to produce a forming surface to carry out in METAL* CASTING, supra.
3. PATTERN MAKING - Process and/or apparatus for shaping a fluent material to produce a form or pattern to be used in MOLD MAKING, supra.
4. PRODUCT TREATING - Process and/or apparatus for treating, mixing, or mechanically working the metallic material while molding or while the metallic material is in a mold, i.e., while carrying out an operation of METAL* CASTING, supra.
5. OTHER - Process and/or apparatus not elsewhere provided for to perfect or effect METAL*CASTING or MOLD MAKING, supra.
*Throughout this class, the term "metal" is to include pure metal, metal alloys and inter-metallic compounds.
This class in general provides for the foundry operations including from those of making the molds and patterns to those of casting a final metal product. These operations, particularly that of casting the metal, do not have to be limited to a foundry operation in the locational sense; but may be performed in any physical location, e.g., cast-welding rail ends in the field.
The metal casting of this class involves the shaping of a free flowing liquid metal and as such is distinguished from other forms of metal deformation such as metal bending, forging, billet extrustion, etc., where the metal is never free flowing. Also a shaping surface is required for placement in the class. For example, forming metal by a shot tower will be found elsewhere. The shaping surface, though, may remain as part of the final product. (See References to Other Classes, below).
The mold making procedures provided for in this class are generally of the sand shaping type although any fluent material is included such as metal, plaster of paris, ceramic materials and synthetic plastics. There molds so formed are limited to use in metal casting operations and are not of general utility. Making molds by shaping of solid materials are found in the particular shaping classes except where the operation is combined with a subsequent metal casting step; in such a case, the operation is provided for in this class.
The pattern making procedures provided for in this class are those of shaping a fluent material such as wax and other plastic materials. Shaping a pattern from solid material such as by cutting from wood are provided for in this class only when followed by a further foundry operation such as forming a sand mold by using the pattern.
The metal product treating operations provided for in this class are those that are performed in conjunction with a metal casting operation. Alloying of metals while pouring the metal into a mold or while the metal is in a mold is provided for in this class. Any reshaping of the metal while in the mold such as cutting, or solid deforming are provided for in this class. Also, particularly in the case of a continuously casting operation, the rolling or bending of the continuously cast product (where the casting is also claimed) is provided for herein if some of the contiguous product is still in the mold.
Other miscellaneous adjuncts which are used to perfect a foundry operation are provided for in this class if there is not a specific class which provides for the subject matter. The main items of this type are flasks, mold jackets, strippers, and core supporting devices, e.g., chaplets. See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.
1. Molds Without Structure.
A mold recited only by composition with no structure recited will go to the appropriate composition class. See References to Other Classes, below.
Patents wherein all the claims are limited to a mold mentioned by name only with no structure recited and defined only in terms of the composition of individual layers are classified in the appropriate composite layer class. (See References to Other Classes, below.) 2. Metal
Class 249 provides for molds of a static character for metal shaping. Generally any mold having a dynamic feature of the feature of the following list is included in this class (164):
(a) A mold combined with means or pressing molding material within the mold.
(b) A mold combined with a cover having projections penetrating into the fluent hardenable material upon movement of the cover to its operative position.
(c) A mold combined with means for moving the mold from one side to another.
(d) A mold formed of separable and unconnected parts combined with means to individually handle each part for assembly.
(e) A mold provided with a core or ejector combined with a machine-type means for actuating the core or ejector.
(f) A mold combined with means to position the work relative to the mold and which means functions to release the work to permit it to fall in the mold.
(g) A mold or core combined with means for creating differential pressure within the mold or core for dynamically shaping a molding material.
(h) A mold combined with means for feeding material thereto, except that a mold with an integral funnel element or a mold so modified to provide structure especially designed for supporting a feeding means, is classified in Class 249.
(i) A mold and means to vibrate the mold.
(j) A segmented female mold or core, e.g., tunnel type, etc., and power means, i.e., motor to move the segments to inoperative or operative position. (k) Continuous or semi-continuous forming apparatus.
Also, Class 249 provides for all static molds for metal
shaping except for molds made of sand or a similar particulate material which is found in this class (164). See Subclass References to the Current Class, below, for a subclass reference for mold made of sand or a similar particulate material. A mold which by claim or disclosure can be either sand or metal will be found in Class 249. Combinations of sand and metal molds or cores are provided for in this class (164) as are sand (only) mold adjuncts (such as a metal chill).
Classes 264 and 425 provide for processes and apparatus respectively for metal shaping by liquid or melt comminuting. In this operation no mold is employed by the particles are shaped by the cohesive nature of the material, e.g., solidifying of a molten metal to a round ball while in free fall.
Molding processes and apparatus for metal powders are found in Class 419 (processes with sintering), Class 264 (compacting processes), and Class 425 (particle compositioning apparatus). In these powder metallurgical operations, the particles retain their identity as particles in the product. If they were completely fused, such operations would be provided for in this class (164).
Processes and apparatus for deforming metal are provided for elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Processes and apparatus for casting metal to form either single type or type-bars that are adapted to be set up as a printing form are provided for elsewhere. This class (164) provides for processes and apparatus for casting stereotype plates. (See References to Other Classes, below)
Processes of casting and molding material wherein a semiconductor junction device or material is produced by claim or disclosure are provided for elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below).
3. Nonmetallic Materials
Class 249, Static Molds, provides for static molds for the general process of molding nonmetallic materials of Class 264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, while Class 425, provides for the dynamic molding apparatus. A claim or, if not claimed, a disclosure of molding either metals or nonmetals will be classified in the nonmetallic class. A combination of a nonmetallic operation followed by an operation of this class (164) will be found in this class (164). An operation of this class (164) followed by an operation of a nonmetallic shaping class will be found in the nonmetallic shaping class, i.e., Classes 264 and 425.
Class 65 provides generally for processes of molding glass. A patent disclosing working of named materials for this class (164) and Class 65 is classified in this class (164) unless the only species claimed is glass or the only specific
example relates to glass in which case the patent is classified in Class 65. Combined processes including metal casting and glass working and/or treating are classified in this class (164). B. COMPOSITION CLASSES
For placement of patents reciting a mold by name only see Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, Molds Without Structure, above.
1. Metallic
Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, provides for a process of refining combined with a Class 164 process (significant or nominal). Class 420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, provides for a process of alloying followed by casting where the alloying or refining step is either (1) prior to or (2) subsequent to the casting operation, i.e., removed from mold. This class (164) provides for apparatus for alloying or refining combined with casting apparatus where the alloying or refining is performed prior to or during casting. The term metal is utilized throughout the class to encompass free metal alloy or intermetallic compound as designated in Classes 75 and 420.
The order of superiority among various metal, alloy, and metal stock areas and methods of manufacture involving them is as follows:
1. Class 419, Powder Metallurgy Processes.
2. Class 148, Metal Treatment, subclasses 22+, compositions for treatment of solid metal.
3. Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 300, 301, and 303+, gaseous, liquid, or solid treating compositions for liquid metal or charges, and subclass 302, welding rod defined by composition.
4. Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 228+, consolidated metal powder compositions and subclasses 255+, loose metal particulate mixtures.
5. Class 420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, claimed as products.
6. Class 148, Metal Treatment, subclasses 95-122, 194-287, and 500-714, in class schedule order, providing for certain processes of treating solid or semi-solid metal by modifying or maintaining internal physical structure (i.e.,
microstructure) or chemical properties of metal, processes of reactive coating of metal or processes of chemical-heat removing (e.g., flame-cutting, etc.) or burning of metal. However, if metal casting, fusion bonding, machining, or working is involved, there is a requirement of significant heat treatment as described in the Class 148 class definition. 7. Class 148, Metal Treatment, subclasses 33+ barrier layer stock material and subclasses 400+, stock.
8. Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclassses 331+, processes of making solid particulate alloys directly from liquid metal and subclasses 343+, processes of producing purifying alloys in powder form.
9. Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 10.1+ and 10.67, processes of making alloys by electrothermic, electromagnetic, or electrostatic processes.
10. Class 420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, processes of manufacture.
11. Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 330+, processes of making metal and processes of treating liquid metals and liquid alloys and consolidating metalliferous material.
12. Class 204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, processes.
13. Class 164, Metal Founding, subclasses 1+, processes.
14. Class 266, Metallurgical Apparatus, subclasses 44+, processes of operating metallurgical apparatus.
This list is not complete and may be added to as the proper relationship of other areas is determined.
2. Nonmetallic
This class (164) provides for a process of shaping, per se, of a mold, pattern or core device which is to be utilized in a metal casting operation, where there are significant shaping steps recited. The line with the various chemical composition classes and this class (164) is the same generally as that set forth in Class 264, Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Chemical Composition Classes. Clarification as to some of the technology peculiar to this class and any departures from the line set forth in Class 264 will be set forth below. These lines are generally applicable where there is a mixing or blending of the mold, pattern or core composition recited to take place prior to the mold-step or a chemical reaction during the molding step. Where there is no claimed disclosure as to a chemical reaction, mixing or blending the patent is classified in this class even when only nominal shaping is recited.
Unless otherwise provided for, the recitation in a claim of a significant molding or shaping step will bring a patent to this class. Significant molding operations include named shaping by compaction, centrifugal force, spraying or slinging material against a shaping surface, or extruding of mold materials to form a shaping surface, and combinations of two or more broad molding or shaping steps and other combinations as set forth in Class 264.
Patents reciting physical or mechanical treatment subsequent to a broad molding step, e.g., shaping or molding broadly plus cutting or removing of excess mold material or heating subsequent to removal of a shaped article from forming surface to complete the cure will be placed in this class. Mere stripping alone or nominal return to ambient temperature is not considered to be an after treatment or a subsequent treatment within the scope outlined above.
1. Coating
The distinction between coating a metal onto a base for Class 118 or Class 427 and casting a metal onto the base for this class is predicated upon the presence of confining means for the molten metal as it solidifies on the base. If the melt is confined in all directions on the base against the force of gravity it is considered a process or apparatus appropriate for this class. The confining means may be structural dams, previously solidified casting material, or part of the base itself.
Also, if a metal layer is formed in a mold and another layer coated on the initial layer while it is still in a mold the operation is considered molding of plural layers for this class rather than coating since the operation takes place in a mold.
2. Fusion Bonding
This class (164) provides for a process and apparatus for joining two or more preforms or portions of the same preform, where (a) a removable mold member is used and (b) the molten metallic material is confined in all directions against the force of gravity (hole filling is considered a joining of portions). Fusion bonding therefor, not meeting the above limitation, is classified elsewhere. Processes and apparatus for bonding or welding by means of electric heating are also
provided for elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Only a limited amount of cross-referencing and cross-noting has been done between process and apparatus subclasses where the subject matter provides for is of comparable scope. One is cautioned therefore, to utilize both the process and apparatus sections of the schedule when determining fields of search. SEE OR SEARCH THIS CLASS, SUBCLASS:
349+, for mold made of sand or a similar particulate material.
374+, for flasks.
394+, for mold jackets.
397+, for core supporting devices, e.g., chaplets.
401+, for strippers.
15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning, appropriate subclasses for apparatus for freeing casting of residual sand, especially
94, and 304.
29, Metal Working, appropriate subclasses, especially
527.1+, for processes involving casting and additional treatment of the casting after it is removed from the mold. This class (164) provides for operation of preparing, e.g., coating, cutting, shaping by deforming, etc., a preform for a casting operation where the preform is the casting metal or a part of a final composite product, or removing a portion of the preform after the casting operation where the removal was to perfect the casting operation, e.g., position preform during compositing. See also Class 29, subclasses 526.2+ for processes of separation or localization of as-cast defects in ingots (e.g., anti-pipe). Also, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes and C, Composite Article Forming Classes, supra. 34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids, appropriate subclasses for, per se, drying of a formed mold, and especially
437, for processes of treating hollow articles or articles held in or on forms.
53, Package Making,
423, for packing operations including the step of confining a fluid material so as to form a closure seal by solidification.
59, Chain, Staple, and Horseshoe Making, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for making chains in which some manufacturing operation more than casting and joining is involved.
65, Glass Manufacturing, provides generally for processes of molding glass. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process And Apparatus Classes, above.)
72, Metal Deforming, for processes and apparatus for deforming metal. The metal is in a self-sustaining conditioning during the formation. It may be "plastic" but it is not liquid (i.e., seeks its own level under the force of gravity).
253.1+, provides for forming by extruding through an orifice. The metal stock may be supplied to the feed chamber in the form of a liquid as a convenient way of handling a charge, but the charge must be solidified before it is forced through a die for placement in Class 72. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, above.)
75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures,
228+, for metal stock, blanks, or indeterminate articles. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, above.)
75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, appropriate subclasses depending upon the metal produced for combined processes involving refining operations where not performed in the mold or while teeming into mold. See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes and see Metallic, supra. 100, Presses, appropriate subclasses for apparatus for pressing particulate material.
106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic,
38.2+, for compositions which are (a) specialized for use in making molds, (b) specialized for use in coating molds, or, (c) molds claimed solely in terms of the composition of which they are composed. Also, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes,
and B, Composition Classes, supra.
118, Coating Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for apparatus for coating molds where no more of the casting apparatus is claimed than is necessary to present the mold to the coating device or station. Also, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Composite Article Forming Classes, supra.
134, Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids, appropriate subclasses for methods of freeing castings of residual sand only, where the cleaning is effected by contact with a liquid. See
22, 24 for processes of cleaning the internal surfaces of hollow work and subclasses 166+ for corresponding apparatus.
140, Wireworking, for process and apparatus for making wire containing products in which some wireworking operation more than composite casing or joining is involved.
148, Metal Treatment, particularly
538+, for combined processes of casting and significant heat treatment after removal from the mold or shaping surface to modify or maintain the internal physical structure (i.e., microstructure) or chemical property of metal. See the Class 148 Class Definition to determine what constitutes significant heat treatment. In continuous casting operations, wherein the contiguous product is still connected to the casting surface, a step involving significant heat treatment of the solid or semi-solid metal which occurs outside or away from the molding surface goes to Class 148. However, chemical heat removing (e.g., flame-cutting, etc.) or burning (i.e., oxidation) of a continuously cast metal goes to Class 164, if some of the continuously cast and contiguous product is connected to the shaping surface. Cutting operations, in the mold, goes to Class 164. See, particularly Class 148, subclasses 194+ for processes of chemical-heat removing (e.g., flame cutting) or burning (i.e., oxidizing) of metal; subclasses 100+ for combined processes involving casting followed by intentional alteration of the magnetic properties of the casting after removal from the mold.
163, Needle and Pin Making, for processes and apparatus for making needles and pins in which some manufacturing operation more than metal casting is involved.
199, Type Casting, for processes and apparatus for casting metal to form either single type or type-bars that are adapted to be set up as a printing form. This class (164) provides for processes and apparatus for casting stereotype plates. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, above.) 219, Electric Heating, for processes and apparatus for bonding and welding by means of electric heating.
222, Dispensing, appropriate subclasses for ladles, crucibles, or other metal containers having dispensing structure such as a pouring lip or spout.
228, Metal Fusion Bonding, for fusion bonding.
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration, appropriate subclasses for processes and apparatus for disintegrating a mold or core not associated with a flask or casting.
249, Static Molds, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, supra.
252, Compositions, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, supra.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, appropriate subclasses for similar processes of molding and shaping nonmetallic materials especially
219+, for processes of mold making. See Class Definition, Amplified Statement Of Class Subject Matter, supra., and Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Molding Process and Apparatus, and Composition Classes, supra.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, for process for forming metal by a shot tower. (See Class Definition, Amplified Statement Of Class Subject Matter, supra.)
266, Metallurgical Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for apparatus adapted for the treatment of metals particularly
168+, for apparatus for melting or otherwise treating molten metal and subclasses 275+ for molten metal receptacles. 269, Work Holders, appropriate subclasses, particularly
86+, for a clamp means, per se, even if a mold or flask is named as the article held.
373, Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces, appropriate subclasses for electric furnaces such as arc, induction and resistance furnaces.
417, Pumps, appropriate subclasses for pumps, per se, for molten metal.
420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, appropriate subclasses depending upon the metal value utilized for combined processes involving alloying operations where not performed in the mold or while teeming into the mold. Also, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, Molding Process And Apparatus Classes, and Composition Classes, supra.
423, Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds, See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus, supra.
425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus, see Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, above.
425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus, for apparatus for forming metal by a shot tower. (See Class Definition, Amplified Statement Of Class Subject Matter, supra.)
427, Coating Processes,
133+, for a process of coating a mold.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, 411+, and 615+ for nonmetallic and metallic composites, respectively, defined in terms of the composition of its components. (Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process and Apparatus Classes, above.)
433, Dentistry, appropriate subclasses for methods and apparatus which effect specific dental steps (e.g., taking impressions of teeth, trial filling, etc.).
438, Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process, for processes of casting and molding material wherein a semiconductor junction device or material is produced by claim or disclosure. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process And Apparatus Classes, above.)
451, Abrading, for a method or apparatus for disintegrating a sand mold or for cleaning a casting by an abrading operation.
520, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers. (See Lines With Other Classes and Within This Class, A, Molding Process And Apparatus Classes, above.)
In founding, any material, including principal alloying constituents, densifiers, fluidizers, graphitizers, grain size controllers, etc., added to the molten metal to produce specific effects in the solid metal.
Intentionally stopping the rimming action in steel after completion of teeming.
CARBURIZING (Carbonizing) Introducing carbon into ferrometals by heating above the transformation temperature range while in contact with carbonaceous material that may be solid, liquid, or gaseous.
The formation of an article by pouring or forcing molten metal into a mold or die and permitting it to solidify.
A device for holding a core in place.
The intermediate part of a flask or mold that has more than two parts.
A piece of metal applied to the casting to hasten the solidification in that area.
Process of forming a product of indeterminate length wherein a portion of the product is removed from a forming mold or surface as a further contiguous portion is cast.
CONTINUOUS CASTING STRAND Semi-solidified product of a continuous casting process or apparatus comprising a generally molten center contained within a cooler solidified shell.
The upper or topmost section of a flask, mold, or pattern.
A separable part of a mold that is used to create openings and various shaped cavities in the casting.
A box or container in which foundry cores are made.
A special projection on a pattern for forming impressions or core seats in the mold into which the core itself is inserted. Also refers to the projection on the core itself which fits into the core seat.
The taper that is provided on otherwise verticle faces of a pattern to facilitate its removal from the sand mold. DRAG
The lower or bottom section of a flask, mold, or pattern. Also referred to as nowel.
A bar used for lifting the pattern from the sand of the mold.
The scum that forms on the surface of molten metals.
A thin film of metal formed on a casting where the metal has flowed between mating parts of the mold.
A box, usually of metal or wood, used to hold sand in which a mold is formed.
(1) A substance that, by chemical action, promotes fusion of a solid material. (2) A material capable of forming with gangue or other earthy matter, a liquid melt having the fusibility and chemical characteristics suitable to a specific furnace process. Also, protective flux to retard undesirable reactions.
A piece of metal used to support sand in deep pockets of sand molds.
The end of the runner where the molten metal enters the mold.
An insulated portion of a mold that retains metal molten in that area so that it can feed into the mold and alleviate shrinkage voids.
Particles of dirt, slag or other impurities occurring in metals that were mechanically entrapped during solidification.
An open-mold casting that is intended for remelting and recasting or reworking to form finished products. Also referred to as billet. INGOT MOLD
A heavy mold, usually of cast iron, into which molten metal is teemed, as in the casting of ingots.
A pattern of a material having a low melting point for use in processes employing special techniques such as precision casting where pattern withdrawal would be difficult.
A pattern plate with several patterns secured thereto or a plate having matching pattern portions mounted on opposite sides.
Metal that has been melted in preparation for casting.
See Drag.
A replica of an object to be cast and around which the mold is constructed. PATTERN PLATE
A board to which patterns are to be attached and which extends substantially over the flask opening.
A cavity formed in metal during the solidification of the last portion of liquid metal, causing by contraction.
A self-sustaining body which is to be incorporated in the final product as a distinct part of the same (e.g., insert, etc.).
The operation of compacting sand into a sand mold and around a pattern.
A reservoir of molten metal provided for feeding into a casting as the metal in the mold solidifies thus preventing voids.
SAND MOLD A mold made of sand and used for the making of sand castings. A green sand mold is a mold used as made without any drying operations and contains the original moisture of the mix.
Adding moisture to molding sand to make it workable.
A chemically active material added to molten metal to remove oxides, gases, or other impurities.
The occurrence of impurities, inclusions, and alloying constituents in nonuniform distribution.
A casting process utilizing a thin shell composed of resin-bonded sand for the cope and drag section of the mold.
A metallic mass that consists of a single crystallos:graphic grain instead of the usual polycrystalline material.
SLAG The nonmetallic product of refining metal ores which results from the reaction of the flux with gangue.
Gates and risers of a mold assembly; the hole through which molten metal enters the mold; also, the waste portion attached to the product.
The separable base of an ingot mold. The base provides a surface onto which the mold is placed, and also serves as the bottom of the mold.
A small section of a regular pattern which is generally rotated in sand to provide the whole mold cavity.
Pouring metal into a mold.
Small opening in a mold to allow trapped air to escape.