(under subclass 60) Processes including the step of forming pores or other type of open space in situ within a lamina during or subsequent to its formation.
(1) Note. The mechanical formation of pores within a lamina, e.g., perforating, is not within the scope of this and indented subclasses.
65, Glass Manufacturing,
20, for a process of foaming of slag, and subclass 22 for a glassworking or treating process including a step of pore forming in situ.
106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic,
122, 601+, and 672+ for processes of making coating or plastic compositions including a step forming pores in situ in the composition. 162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation,
101, for the step of pore forming combined with a paper making operation.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
304.4+, for a composition stock material web or sheet including a porous or cellular component.
501, Compositions: Ceramic,
39, and 80+ for pore-forming ceramic compositions.
521, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubber,
50+, for pore-forming, per se, in a synthetic resin composition.