(under the class definition) Apparatus having means to positively force at least two layers out of bonded relationship one to the other.
(1) Note. The devices must apply a separating force to the parts. The mere destruction of a bond by heat or solvent treatment is not sufficient for this subclass, being provided for in the classes that detail the operation, per se.
(2) Note. Where a blade or sharp tool is used acting along the plane of the bond to force or wedge the laminae apart, the blade must be free-floating to follow the plane of weakness. A device having a rigidly fixed blade, set for a given thickness of cut is provided for in Class 83, Cutting.
344, for delaminating processes, per se.
510, for cutting devices combined with laminating. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
29, Metal Working,
700+, for disassembly apparatus not having means destroying the bond joint.
83, Cutting, and see (2) Note above.
221, Article Dispensing,
73, for dispensing devices having means to strip an article from a magazine strip on which it is carried.