.~ Making electrical conductors of indefinite length

Current as of: June, 1999
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1  DF  METHODS {7}
47.~ Making electrical conductors of indefinite length {4}
48  DF  .~.~> With filling of void or cavity with fluent material
49  DF  .~.~> Splicing
50  DF  .~.~> With mechanical working of conductor
51  DF  .~.~> Covering of conductor {1}


Classification: 156/47

(under subclass 1) Processes for making indefinite length electrical conductors or for joining, splicing or repairing the same.

(1) Note. The term "conductor" as used herein, means any wire, strand, filament bar, rod, cable, cord, tube, or like element, of indefinite length, simple or compound, bare or insulated, designed and intended to provide an electrically conductive path between its end.

(2) Note. This class is a residual class for miscellaneous patents pertaining to the above subject matter and which cannot be classified elsewhere. The bulk of the patents relating to this subject matter is to be found in the various manufacturing apparatus and process classes referred to in the following notes. The definitions of these classes should be consulted to determine the scope and limitations thereof, this class (156) taking only those patents which cannot be properly allocated to any other manufacturing class. The following notes refer to those classes in which conductor manufacturing and other immediately related processes and apparatus are known to exist, but are probably not exhaustive.

(3) Note. METAL WORKING OPERATIONS For the making, forming, or shaping of wires, rods, tubes, cables, or other metallic elements, either simple or compound, or for the covering or sheathing of wires, rods, etc.., either insulated or not, by mere metal working operations; see "SEARCH CLASS" below with reference to Metal Working Operations.

(4) Note. The above classes also provide for certain subsidiary or miscellaneous operations encountered in the manufacture of electric conductors or otherwise of interest therein as set forth in (15) note.

(5) Note. For mere twisting or twining of metal strands,

wires, etc.., or for mere coating operations with metal, see notes (9) and (12), respectively, as well as their Search Class notes below. (6) Note. In general, the above classes may be said to be restricted to metal working operations, or to such operations combined with certain subsidiary operations which are merely incidental to the metal working. However, exceptions are found in Class 29, Metal Working, in which subclasses 90.01, 400.1 and 700 and their indented subclasses are the generic places for the operations provided for therein regardless of the material worked on. Thus, for example, for the threading or assembling of beads, discs, or other spacer members, whether of metal or not, on wires, as in coaxial cables, see Class 29, subclass 729.

(7) Note. Plural or combined operations, each of which is a metal working operation, are also included in the above classes, Class 29, Metal Working taking all such combined operations not provided for in the other metal working classes. Accordingly, patents relating to the manufacture of electric conductors wherein each operation involves metal working, will be classified in one of the above classes, but where, in addition to the metal working, an operation not merely subsidiary thereto is claimed, as, for example, the coating or covering of a wire insulation prior or subsequent to the metal working, such patent will be classified in Class 156.

(8) Note. TEXTILE WORKING OPERATIONS For the making or forming of cords, cables, or other strands, including conductors, or for the covering or sheathing of such elements by mere textile working operations; see "SEARCH CLASS" below.

(9) Note. In general, these textile classes are restricted to textile working operations, by which is meant the working, manipulating, or interengagement of fibers, filaments, strands, etc.., to produce fabric structures. The filaments, strands, etc.., may be of metal where no particular metal working is involved. Thus, for example, Class 57, Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining, will take the mere twisting or twining of one or more metallic strips, tapes, wires, etc.., to form wire-rope, cables, etc.., or to cover a core therewith.

(10) Note. Textile working operations combined with subsidiary or auxiliary operations such as, for example, coating or impregnating of the fibers or strands, or of the core, or of the completed article, with fluid or plastic material are also included.

(11) Note. Plural or combined operations each of which is a textile working operation (e.g., twisting or twining plus braiding or knitting) are also included, Class 28, Textiles: Manufacturing, taking such residual combined operations not provided for in the other textile classes. Accordingly,

patents relating to the manufacture of electric conductors wherein each operation is a textile working operation are classifiable in one of the above classes, but where, in addition to the textile working, an operation not merely subsidiary thereto is claimed, as, for example, applying a metallic sheath by drawing or rolling prior or subsequent to the textile working operation, such patent will be classified in Class 156.

(12) Note. COATING, COVERING AND SHEATHING. For coating, covering, or sheathing conductors by metal working operations or by textiles working operations, see the classes listed under these respective headings above. For other apparatus or processes for forming or applying a coating, sheathing, or other covering on a conductor, cable, or other strand; see "Search Class" below. Classes 118, 148, 204, and 427, include coating with metal, when applied by the operations provided for in these classes.

(13) Note. STRUCTURE. For the structure of electric conductors or for analogous strand structures, including pipes, hose and conduits, see the Search Class notes below.

(14) Note. MISCELLANEOUS For methods or apparatus for installing or laying conductors, drawing them through conduits, or placing them on poles; see "Search Class" below referencing this Note.

(15) Note. MISCELLANEOUS. See the Search Class notes below to miscellaneous apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors or otherwise of interest therein.

SEE OR SEARCH THIS CLASS, SUBCLASS: 166+, for processes of associating flexible filamentary material of indefinite length not especially intended to provide an electrically conductive path between its ends. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

169+, for processes of winding filamentary material of indefinite length to form electric coils. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)


19, Textiles: Fiber Preparation, especially

145, for fiber liberation from natural sources by mechanical treatment and the assembly of fibers to form slivers or webs. (See Note, above, to Textile Working Operations)

28, Textiles: Manufacturing, for miscellaneous textile operations not otherwise provided for. (See Note, above, to Textile Working Operations)

29, Metal Working,

400.1+, for processes of making miscellaneous devices; particularly subclasses 402.01+ for miscellaneous processes of repairing; subclass 461 for spreading cable strands and joining the cable to another part such as a driving block or to another cable; and subclasses 505+, particularly subclasses 518 and 519 for joining wire or cable ends together by means of a deformed surrounding sleeve. Search subclass 728 for apparatus for sheathing a running-length core, e.g., a wire, not elsewhere classified. (See note, above to Metal Working Operations.)

29, Metal Working,

90.01, and 90.5 for smoothing, compacting, polishing etc.., of bare or covered conductors or other strands (analogous and related operations are set forth in the notes to subclass 90.5 of Class 29), subclasses 592.1+, for processes for forming miscellaneous electrical devices. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

30, Cutlery, 165+, for wire cutting tools and implements. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids, especially

245+, 414, 419, 444, 466, 519, and 611+ for the drying of sheets, webs or strands including conductors and cables. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

57, Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining, especially

3+, 33, 261, and 362 for the manufacture of conductors by spinning or twisting or for covering or sheathing by wrapping. (See Note, above, to Textile Working Operations)

65, Glass Manufacturing,

36+, for a process of bonding glass to a formed part by a glassworking operation; and subclasses 152+ for glassworking apparatus including fusion bonding means; see the "Search Notes" under subclass 154. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

66, Textiles: Knitting, especially

9+, 61, 80, and 83+ for manufacturing or covering a conductor involving a knitting apparatus. (See Note, above, to Textile Working Operations)

72, Metal Deforming, appropriate subclasses, for a method or means for making a metal conductor by a mere metal working operation, e.g.,

253.1+, for die-expressing an elongated metal product, or 274+ for drawing a wire through a die. Sheathing a core, e.g., a wire by extruding a metal blanket around it is classified in subclasses 253.1+, and particularly subclass 268, this being the sole exception to the general rule that assembly is excluded from Class 72. Other sheathing, even if a metal working operation is involved, is in Class 29, Metal Working. See the note above to Class 29. (See note, above to Metal Working Operations.) 73, Measuring and Testing,

40.5, for processes and apparatus for testing for leaks in fluid filled cables. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

83, Cutting, appropriate subclasses, for method and apparatus for cutting a wire or strand, a cable, or an object made up of strands, or for cutting insulation from a wire. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

87, Textiles: Braiding, Netting, and Lace Making, especially

1, 6, 23, and 29 for manufacturing or covering a conductor involving braiding, netting or lace making. (See Note, above, to Textile Working Operations)

111, Planting,

5, for apparatus and methods for planting pipe or cable. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for installing or laying conductors, etc..)

118, Coating Apparatus,

420, and see the notes thereto for apparatus for coating strand form work. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

134, Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids, particularly

9, 15, 38, 64, and 122 for cleaning strands including the removal of insulating coating. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

139, Textiles: Weaving, for manufacturing or covering a conductor involving a weaving operation. (See Note, above, to Textile Working Operations)

140, Wireworking, especially

71, and 149 for the making of conductors involving wireworking. (See note, above to Metal Working Operations.)

140, Wireworking,

92.1, for forms and frames for forming wire coils, such as armature coils, and subclass 147 for wire straightening. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

148, Metal Treatment, particularly

206+, for processes of carburizing or nitriding metal, utilizing an external source of carbon or nitrogen, or subclasses 240+ for processes of reactive coating a metal surface with an externally supplied agent that combines with the metal substrate to provide a coating thereon containing at least one element from said metal substrate. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation, particularly

106, and 267+ for covering operations involving paper making or fibrous pulp molding. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

164, Metal Founding,

462, for methods of forming conductors by a continuous metal casting operation and subclasses 418+ for corresponding apparatus. (See note, above to Metal Working Operations.)

174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses and notes (2) to (14) of the class definition thereof. As between this class (156) and Class 174, the article controls classification, i.e., patents claiming both conductor structure and the method or apparatus for making it will be classified in Class 174 and cross-referenced to Class 156. For a stock material product, not elsewhere provided for, in the form of a rod, strand or fiber, having some structural feature and an impregnation or core, or coated, see 364+, of Class 428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles. (See Note above to "Structure")

204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, for coating by electrophoresis or cathode sputtering. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, especially

138+, for coating by electrolysis. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions,

77, for electroforming a metallic sheet, web, wire, or filament of indeterminant length. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc.)

219, Electric Heating,

603+, and 50+ for making or covering conductors involving electric heating and working of metal. Note especially indented subclasses 59.1+ and 605. (See note, above to Metal Working Operations.)

226, Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length, appropriate subclasses for methods of, and apparatus for, feeding material without utilizing the leading or trailing ends to effect movement of the material. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc..)

228, Metal Fusion Bonding,

126+, for assembling and bonding together a metal core and sheath. (See note, above to Metal Working Operations.) 242, Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding,

430+, for forming an article by winding material onto a core and subclasses 470+ for winding strand material onto a spool for storage. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc.)

254, Implements or Apparatus for Applying Pushing or Pulling Force,

134.3+, for placing cable on poles or in conduits.(See "Miscellaneous" Note above for installing or laying conductors, etc.)

264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, appropriate subclasses, for processes within the class definition, for molding or shaping plastic materials. For forming indefinite length articles by extruding or molding around strand-like or filament-like preforms, see Class 264,

171.1+,. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

294, Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements, especially

19.1, for hand and hoistline implements used in placing pipe and cable.(See "Miscellaneous" Note above for installing or

laying conductors, etc.)

324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for testing of conductors and insulation. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc.)

405, Hydraulic and Earth Engineering,

154+, for apparatus or methods for laying cable or pipe. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for installing or laying conductors, etc.) 425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,

113+, for covering by apparatus extruding plastic material about preform within a shaping cavity where the external configuration of the product is diverse from that of the preform. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

427, Coating Processes,

58+, for processes of coating, per se, wherein an electrical product is produced. (See note, above, to Coating, Covering And Sheathing.)

428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses, for a stock material product, especially

364+, for a structurally defined or coated rod, strand or filament which is useful as an electrode or as a filament for electric lamps or other discharge devices, and subclasses 411.1+ and 615+ for nonmetallic and metallic composites, respectively, defined in terms of the composition of their components. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc.)

445, Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing.

493, Manufacturing Container or Tube From Paper; or Other Manufacturing From a Sheet or Web,

269+, for making a paper tube; and subclasses 405+ for making a folded paper article. (See "Miscellaneous" Note above for apparatus and processes used in the manufacture of electrical conductors, etc.)