.~.~> Layer or zone contains an inorganic explosive or inorganic thermic component {1}
Classification: 149/14
(under subclass 2) Products which include at least two separate and distinct superimposed or contiguous layers or forms of different components or of components having different properties; e.g., one layer may constitute the base charge and a second layer the primer charge.
(1) Note. The layers or forms may be in loose particulate form or in a solid or compacted form.
(2) Note. The layers or forms must be in direct contact and must not be separated by space or other nonexplosive or nonthermic body.
102, Ammunition and Explosives, appropriate subclasses and particularly
200+, 320, 338, 352, 360, and 443, among others, for ammunition devices utilizing the subject matter of this and indented subclasses. 428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses, for a stock material product of general utility and in the form of a single or plural layer web or sheet.